World’s ‘greenest green’ could make ultra high-definition displays even sharper

Not all wishes are the same. There’s lime green, mint green, British racing green. And now there’s practically pure green, thanks to chemical engineers at ETH Zurich, who have created the greenest green in the world. It is said to improve the color quality of ultra-high-definition displays of the future.

“To date, no one has been able to produce green light as pure as what we have,” Chih-Jen Shih, a professor of chemical engineering who co-created the light-emitting diode in his lab, said in a statement.

Today’s ultra-high-definition (UHD) TV, computer and smartphone displays are a sight to behold, but there’s still room for improvement. But to make that progress, researchers must first develop pure red, blue and green light, which will be able to display images with unparalleled detail and a more nuanced range of colors. According to the researchers, pure red and blue have been achieved, but green is so far unachievable.

This is because the human eye can pick up more shades of green than red and blue.

“This makes the technical production of ultrapure green very complex, which creates challenges for us when it comes to technology and material development,” said Sudhir Kumar, who helped Shih create the light in his lab.

The purity of Shih and Kumar green can be understood by comparison with the technical standards known as Rec. 2020. The lightest TV screens currently available do not exceed 80 percent, and the average is between 73.11 and 77.72. Green ETH Zurich is in the range of 97 and 99.

But the efforts of Shih and his team did not stop there. They also created an ultra-thin, flexible light-emitting diode that can emit this pure green light at room temperature, whereas previous LED technology required high temperatures to generate pure light.

“Since we were able to perform the entire process at room temperature, we have opened up possibilities for the simple and low-cost industrial production of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes in the future,” said co-creator Jakub Jagielski.

As with most advancements, there’s a slight catch: An LED converts electricity to light with an efficiency of just three percent, compared to a commercial TV screen, which runs at five to ten percent. . That means he and his team will have to focus on making their technology more efficient before it’s ready for commercial use.

The article detailing the research was published in the journal Nano Letters.

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