Why Jackie Daytona Needs His Own WWDITS Spinoff

Jackie Daytona was one of the many highlights of What We Do In The Shadows season 2. Laszlo Cravensworth’s toothpick-wielding alter ego enchanted fans both onscreen and off with his second-to-none bartending skills and deep-seated passion for women’s volleyball. The fact that he only featured for one episode belies his ongoing cult status. Given the sheer number of iconic WWDITS side characters, standing out from the crowd to such an extent is no mean feat. This is why the irrepressible Jackie Daytona needs his own spin-off in the wider WWDITS universe.

Daytona first arrives on the scene after Laszlo flees his Staten Island home thanks to the intrusion of Jim, a surly elderly vampire who believes he is owed rent money by Laszlo from the 1800s. Instead of paying his debt, Laszlo abandons his wife Nadja and starts a new life under the Daytona persona. After embedding himself in a community in Pennsylvania (because it sounds like Transylvania), serving as an inspirational father figure to several down-on-their-luck locals and hosting an extremely successful talent show, he is eventually tracked down by Jim the Vampire. After a fierce fight, the two eventually settle their differences over a musical Big Mouth Billy Bass.

Although it was recently confirmed that Jackie Daytona will not be returning for What We Do In The Shadows season 3, the character remains a hugely popular part of the show. Ordinarily, popularity alone is not enough of a reason for a character to warrant their own spin-off. However, the combination of the rich wider WWDITS universe and the nature of the show itself means that a spin-off offers an exciting opportunity for experimentation and enriching the existing stories. Here’s why a Jackie Daytona spin-off is not only necessary for bringing the character back but also how it could enhance the entire WWDITS storyline.

It Would Bring Back A Fan-Favorite Character Without Slowing Down WWDITS

One of WWDITS’ strongest features is its relentless pace. Despite having a relatively short runtime, each episode is able to stack up numerous gags as well as key plot points that relate to the wider story. This keeps the whole show feeling fresh and energized, making it a hugely enjoyable viewing experience.

While the Jackie Daytona episode works incredibly well as a one-off, the fact is that too many off-shoots simply don’t fit into this structure. The show relies on both the interplay between the main WWDITS characters and the development of the overarching story – sending individuals off on their own for entire episodes jeopardizes this winning formula. Despite Jackie Daytona’s popularity with the WWDITS fanbase, the fact is that bringing him back for future episodes is unfeasible within the show’s format.

Therefore, the only way for the showrunners to re-integrate Daytona is if he has his own dedicated series or one-off special. This would both satisfy fans and ensure that the main WWDITS story continues to progress according to plan. While this approach might mean that some of the Daytona magic is lost, it is arguably the most elegant way of incorporating the character.

It Could Dive Even Further Into The Premise Of WWDITS

One of the most exciting aspects of a potential Jackie Daytona spin-off is the way in which it could explore other aspects of the WWDITS universe. While both small and big screen adaptations have focused on two sets of vampires operating as groups in the modern world, the Daytona persona offers a completely different dynamic. Not only does it involve a vampire flying solo, but also shows him trying to survive in the real world as a human. Both of these scenarios are not only potentially hilarious but have also been left relatively untapped by other WWDITS projects.

There are also other opportunities for delving into the WWDITS premise. For instance, as Laszlo explains during season 2, Daytona has been a go-to disguise for the character for centuries. Therefore, a Jackie Daytona spin-off would allow the show to potentially examine different periods of time, as well as different structures with a single lead character as opposed to an ensemble. Either way, using such a beloved character in this context is the ideal way to explore how far the WWDITS premise of vampires living among us can really be pushed.

It Would Allow The World Of WWDITS To Experiment

Laszlo stands in front of fireplace smoking a pipe in What We Do in the Shadows.

Although the prospect of content experimentation is intriguing, a Jackie Daytona spin-off could potentially also allow WWDITS to play with the show’s basic format and structure. For instance, although they are different in terms of length and storyline, both the movie and TV show stick with the same blend of mockumentary, horror and comedy. However, a spin-off in either format would provide an opportunity for the wider WWDITS universe to make use of other styles and genres.

For example, if a Daytona spin-off explored the character’s origins, the show could take a more traditional direction, eschewing the mockumentary format and opting for straight comedy instead. Alternatively, the show could even go into a more adventurous, science-fiction angle – highlighting Daytona as a fish-out-of-water trying to survive in an essentially alien world. While all of these ideas are pure conjecture, they nonetheless highlight how many opportunities to try something new and unique a spin-off would afford the show.

Similarly, a spin-off could also provide the chance to focus on and reintroduce other one-off  WWDITS characters. For instance, it’s not inconceivable that a non-mockumentary comedy could tell the story of Lazlo’s original feud with Jim the vampire, or delve into other aspects of the character’s backstory. Alternatively, the Daytona spin-off could provide the premise for the oft-discussed werewolf WWDITS feature that has long been a topic of conversation between creators Taika Waititi and Jermaine Clement. While spin-offs of much-loved TV shows are not always successful, What We Do In The Shadows has successfully created such a rich universe that there genuinely is ample opportunity to add something exciting. Given the nature of the show as it is, the best way in which to do that is to create something completely separate and unique.

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