The kindergartens shall be for children, not for investors

TV tips that take you on vacation Torstein Tvedt Solberg Show more The last right time had a significant change in barnehagepolitiken. Before

TV tips to guide you on vacation Torstein Tvedt Solberg Show more

the right had a significant turn in barnehagepolitiken. Conservative deputy leader Jan Tore Sanner was previously seen as “outdated” and warned that big chains have significant dividends and lower staff levels.

Now we see that the right is the defender of the big chains and velferdsprofitørene. It is no longer so important to close the loopholes ”, and in the newspaper the conservative Tybring-gjedde was surprised when he made huge profits in the kindergartens of life.

The Barnehagesektoren has undergone enormous changes in recent years. Innovation has been replaced by acquisition.

People want good welfare, not public monopoly debate

This realgeshetsbildet is confirmed time and time again. The last time the private chain Læringsverkstedet sold 138 barnehagebygg for a total of HRK 4.25 billion at the beginning of the year. The seller earns HRK 1 billion and the Swedish buyer provides annual dividends well above what can be expected on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

another example is Gråtass Kindergarten in Fredrikstad, Norway. Where the owners bought holiday apartments in Hafjell and Turkey and gave themselves compensation of 550,000 kroner.

If we allow the Barnehageeere to use the tax in this way, we contribute to the loss of confidence in the welfare state. Tybring-gjedde writes that taxpayers’ money cannot be wasted. The level of waste for families with young children, their tax dollars, occurs when høyrregjeringen allow owners to make huge profits from daycare centers.

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The Labor Party will prevent development where the nursery is a speculative object. Loopholes in the law must be closed and a new, stricter law must be passed, just like we did with private schools.

Here the right has a problem with the explanation. We need the same clear and strict rules for private kindergartens and private schools. We don’t have a monopoly on public schools, but we make sure that school money goes to a better school. He also deserves a barnehagebarna.

Labor believes that community funds will be used to address community tasks. Also in the children’s room. If Crveni also concluded, so he opens his “ban on the commercial operation of kindergartens” and supports our proposal, that’s good.

Then we will see if the right realizes that they also thought some time ago that the laws were outdated and had to be changed.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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