In the heat, wearing a mask outside is spreading in several cities

It is known that the French are especially careful in case of heat, which does not exclude the gestures and barriers of wearing a mask. full heat wave episode, sw

It is known that the French are especially careful in case of heat, which does not exclude the gestures and barriers of wearing a mask.

In the midst of the heat wave, the heat, which leaves two thirds of the French unconscious, the mask will be imposed from Monday, outdoors in the busiest areas of Paris, after Lille, Marseille and many other cities and tourist spots are reduced. the increase in cases of Covid-19.

ALSO READ >> Masks Mandatory in Certain Parts of Paris and Ile-de-France Starting Monday,

As of Monday, it will be forbidden to wander the banks of the Seine, stroll through Montmartre or shop in the main shopping streets of the capital, without wearing a mask, according to the prefecture’s decision. The same applies to many municipalities in the Ile-de-France because “all indicators show that the virus is circulating more actively in the region”, according to the departmental prefectures.

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On Sunday morning in Paris, tourists enjoyed a relatively cool morning, before the mercury rose and the obligation to wear masks. “Sunday August 9, with a minimum/maximum of 25 and 39 °C, should be the peak of the heat wave in Paris,” warned Gaétan Heymes, Météo-France, on Twitter.

But the Heat will play overtime in the capital. “The update is postponed until next Thursday in Paris, which is experiencing its most disgustingly hot week since 1873, outside of August 2003. Thunderstorms are possible in the coming days, but the atmosphere is still very hot and heavy in the capital”. added his colleague, François Jobard.

tourist morning

Arriving at around 9:30 a.m. at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, Hervé Le Hir, 51, and Michel Lacaze, 67, agreed to hydrate after a 40-mile bike ride from Claye-Souilly to Seine-et -Marne. “Normally it leaves at 9 in the morning, but there the departure is moved to 6:30 in the morning,” explains Hervé. “We didn’t force it, I barely sweated,” adds Michel. “We took the ring road past the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs Elysées, La Concorde, part of the Tour de France route!” says this retiree, who covered a hundred kilometers a week.

Anne Guerin, 32, dips her feet in the fountain that surrounds the Louvre pyramid. Coming from Dijon for the weekend with her friend and her mother-in-law, she has everything planned: in her backpack, “water, cream, cap and sprays, we are well equipped,” she says. But above all “a lot of stopping and walking in the shade”.

It is known that the French are especially careful in the face of heat, which does not exclude the gestures and barriers of wearing a mask (it must not be wet), according to the health authorities. The authorities have long heralded it as “useless”, and on July 20 the mask became mandatory in closed public places, subject to a fine of 135 euros. As of one week, the prefects are authorized to impose taxes abroad “when local circumstances require it.” And almost 2 in 3 French people (64%) approve of the now mandatory wearing of masks in open public places, according to a Fifg poll for the Sunday newspaper.

Or sports, or travel for children

In an interview with JDD, immunology professor Jean-François Delfraissy, head of the Scientific Council to help the government manage the health crisis, believes that the obligation to wear a mask outside would “be imposed naturally.” As for the development of the epidemic in France, “the situation seems contained, but it remains very fragile,” he stressed, confirming this week’s warning from the Scientific Council.

Several key indicators for monitoring the Covid-19 epidemic continue to worsen in France: 2,288 new cases were reported on Friday. To reduce the “risk of excess mortality” in the context of a heat wave that occurs during the health crisis and ozone pollution, 15 betting departments in the northwest are on red alert, affecting 30% of the population , and 49 in alert orange (35%).

ALSO READ >> Heat wave: how to explain the heat wave that is currently hitting France?

The Department of Health asked children’s rest and recreation centers to avoid going out “unless they are kept in more expensive places without the need to travel, exposing them to heat.” Sports activities are also not recommended. “This heat wave will be particularly strong in Normandy and in the Hauts-de-France,” Olivier Proust, forecaster for Météo-France, said on Saturday.

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The phenomenon is expected to be complete only “in the west as of Wednesday”, with a marked degradation that will be stormy, according to Météo-France. Along with the heat, steps are being taken to limit air pollution. Métropole Rouen Normandie has kept this Sunday a completely free Saturday on its public transport.

Update date: August 10, 2020, 00:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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