The corn producers want them as an exemption to use neonicotinoids

The government promises to pave the way for beets with these insecticides. Corn growers expect the same treatment. They are looking for equality. He

The government promises to pave the way for beets with these insecticides. Corn growers expect the same treatment.

They are looking for equality. Corn growers want to take advantage of a derogation for the use of neonicotinoid pesticides, they said on Friday, following a government pledge to clear the way for the insecticides to reach beet growers.

ALSO READ >> Beet disease: Government wants to allow prohibited use of insecticides

The Ministry of Agriculture announced on Thursday its intention to allow farmers to use beet seeds coated with neonicotinoids from 2021, “under strictly controlled conditions”, and at the latest in 2023. These insecticides, which attack the nervous system of Insects, and therefore pollinators such as bees, were banned from multipurpose plants in September 2018.

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Beet growers claimed they could use it to attack green aphids, the vectors of the yellow virus that is ruining yields this year. “Maïsiculture is also in a situation of complete impasse in the fight against flies,” says the union of maize producers in the AGPM, a specialized branch of the FNSEA, in a press release.

“The alternatives are not satisfactory”,

“The resurgence of these pests would have dramatic consequences for producers and ranchers who depend on maize fodder to feed their animals,” says the AGPM, which calls for the “way that degrades access to effective solutions” also be “open to cultivation” of corn.

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Pesticide reduction: 30 million euros to help farmers invest, the government wants to extend the ban on the use of pesticides as early as 2022 to Reduce pesticide sales to 44% in 2019, after a sharp increase in 2018.

“The 2016 campaign was marked by violent attacks by flies (flys off, oscinies, géomyzes), which caused enormous damage to more than 40% of the surface of Brittany with completely destroyed plots. And for the insect, the main pest of maize, the alternatives are not satisfactory,” they say in AGPM. “Banning the first neonicotinoid insecticides without any real alternative solution is madness,” the organization said.

Date updated: August 7, 2020, 09:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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