Fire in the cathedral of Nantes : the volunteer goes to confession and is arrested

The 39-year-old Rwandan was charged with “destruction and damage by fire”. His advisor M.Sc. Chabert said his client was “relieved,” “scared” and “finished.”

The 39-year-old Rwandan was charged with “destruction and damage by fire”. His advisor M.Sc. Chabert said his client was “relieved,” “scared” and “devastated.”

A week after the fire at Nantes cathedral, a volunteer from the diocese confessed and was taken into custody on the night of Saturday to Sunday for “destruction and fire damage.” The man, a 39-year-old Rwandan, is “relieved”, “scared” and “devastated”, his lawyer Quentin Chabert told reporters on Sunday. There is a kind of relief, he is someone who is afraid, he is somehow crushed, said the lady. Chabert to journalists.

“During the interrogation at the first appearance before the investigating judge, it was recognized that the man had turned on three lights in the cathedral: on the large organ, the small organ and on the electrical panel,” the prosecutor said. Journal of the Republic of Nantes Pierre Sennès. The 39-year-old man, responsible for the closure of the cathedral before the fire, was charged with “greater destruction and damage caused by the fire and was placed in custody and temporary custody by the judge of liberties,” the lawyer said. in a sentence.

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The rector of the cathedral of Nantes, Father Hubert Champagne, explained last week that the volunteer was a “Rwandan, who came to seek refuge in France several years ago.” According to the rector, the volunteer is a “minister of the altar” and he knew it “for four or five years.” “I trust both him and all the employees,” he told AFP. The volunteer was taken into police custody on July 18, a few hours after the fire and the start of the investigation, and was released the following night. The investigators wanted to question him. because after the fire, no trace of the thief was found in the access to the building where three sources of fire were found.

Within the framework of this investigation, “more than thirty people” were interviewed and a dozen judicial police investigators were mobilized, especially with the reinforcement of the central laboratory of the Paris police prefecture, in order to determine the cause of the fire, according to the prosecutor The volunteer was arrested again and taken into police custody on Saturday morning, then in the evening he was brought before the Nantes prosecutor, who opened a criminal investigation, before being charged and placed under custody.

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For this crime he will be punished with 10 years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros,” Peter Sennés said in an email sent overnight.

“Three Points of Fire”

The investigation revealed the existence of three separate fire points in the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul. “Between the large organ, which is in front on the first floor, and the other lights, you have almost the entire distance of the cathedral. They are still at a constant distance from each other,” the lawyer said on the day of the death. the fire.

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The warning was given on July 18 at around 7:45 a.m. by passersby who saw flames coming out of the cathedral. It took firefighters about two hours to contain the blaze, which destroyed a 19th-century painting by Hippolyte Flandrin and a large organ. Outside the great organ, “very few or no objects will be stored”, according to Philippe Charron, head of heritage for DRAC (the regional authority for cultural affairs), “most of the works were saved” and installed “especially in the castle of Nantes”.

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“We will calculate the security of the place in weeks, (…) the investigation in months, which will be done stone by stone” and, during the reconstruction work preceded by the study phase, “the unit will be there for a year instead” said Mr. Charon. The country will “participate” in the reconstruction, promised Prime Minister Jean Castex, who came to Nantes to congratulate the firefighters on the day of the fire.

Date updated: July 27, 2020, 4:58 PM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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