3 Disturbing Things Concerning Christie Mullins’ Murder Case

The 1975 murder of Christie Mullins was one of the most horrifying murders to occur in Clintonville, Ohio. A fourteen-year-old girl was beaten to death in front of a nearby shopping mall. Despite the fact that the first person was arrested and found guilty, he was later released due to a developmental disability. The case remained unsolved for nearly 40 years until family members of the real killer, Henry Newell Jr., came forward and informed the police of his crime. However, by that time Newell had passed away and the victim’s family had lost their last chance for justice. Henry, who was originally a key witness to the crime, is said to have confessed to his family.

It took too long for anyone to go ahead and talk about the murder of Christie Mullins, but the gruesome details were revealed only after the investigation was over. ID’s Dead Days of Summer will bring the story back in the next episode, which will air on Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 9:00 p.m. ET.

This article explains important aspects of a murder case that you should know before the episode airs.

Christie Mullin

Three horrifying facts about the 1975 Christie Mullins murder case

1) The Christie Mullins family is wary of Henry Newell Jr.

When Henry Newell Jr. Reporting the incident to police, he claimed that he saw the alleged killer fatally attack Christie Mullins before leaving the scene. Newell leads the police to Jack Carmen, a guy with a developmental disability. In 1977, Carmen was acquitted of all charges.

Christie’s family has long suspected Henry Newell Jr. of murder, and he was finally found guilty in 2014, a year after his death and nearly four decades after Christie’s murder. Family members of the suspected killer have spoken out, claiming that Newell informed them of his involvement in the crime in 1975.

One of the Mullins’ sisters, Melanie Miller, said:

“We’ve known it was Henry Newell for a long time. We won’t be devoured by it, but we want to know why he was never prosecuted.”

Miller continued:

“We’re like any other family. You know, five kids growing up and that doesn’t happen in your community. We’re just a typical family caught off guard.”

2) The granddaughter of Henry Newell Jr. She confessed her uncle’s wrongdoings.

Pam Brown, the granddaughter of Henry Newell Jr., after he died of lung cancer in 2013, came forward to admit his crimes. She informed the officers that Henry had confessed to her that he had killed Christie, who was 14 years old at the time. Brown was only sixteen years old then. According to Brown, Newell described the gruesome details of the events that took place on August 23, 1975. Newell claimed to be Mullins’ neighbor, who was sitting on the guardrail behind the Graceland Mall. They exchanged a few words before heading to the forest behind the mall. Mullins, according to Newell, rejected his move and things escalated.

Christie Mullin

Brown went on to describe it in detail, saying:

“He testified that he tied her up at the time. He said she wouldn’t stop screaming, so he grabbed a two-by-four stick and started hitting her on the head.”

She continued,

“He called my aunt Pam and dad, who were sleeping with my mother at the time, asking them to come down with him and tell them they had found a body while they were hiking.”

Pam Brown said everyone in the family knew about the murder but chose to remain silent out of fear for their safety. Brown apologized for her prolonged silence. She continued to say,

“I just want the Mullins to know that I kept it a secret for years and I really regret it. More than anything, I want them to find an end.

3) Authorities reviewed the Christie Mullins case for a year before making a decision.

After a year-long investigation into the death of Christie Mullins, authorities concluded in a press conference that only Henry Newell Jr. Mullins’ relatives and friends were present. According to Sgt. Eric Pilyaa of the homicide unit, police had enough evidence to convict Newell, but that was no longer relevant because of the cancer that claimed his life in 2013.

40 years after her murder, the Columbus police are preparing to close the Christie Mullins case @Columbus police @nbc4i #Closed pic.twitter.com/o3iAJMpbgO

– Renee LaSalle (@ReneeLaSalle) November 6, 2015

Categories: Entertaintment
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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