Coronavirus : what form could take a possible reconfinement?

In case of a second wave, the authorities are considering the assumption of a new closure. Express focuses on the forms it could take. Scare of

In case of a second wave, the authorities are considering the assumption of a new closure. Express focuses on the forms it could take.

The fear of a second wave of the epidemic took root, and with it a possible reclosing. Mayenne is slightly above Wednesday’s alert threshold with 50.1 new cases per 100,000 population detected in seven days, and the reproduction rate (R) is close to 1.5 to about 1.2 nationally. To limit the risk of spreading the virus, the prefecture on Thursday ordered the use of masks in all public places and closed eight municipalities in the department, including Laval.

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at the same time, the situation is also leaning towards New Aquitaine. In a press release published on Thursday, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) identified 10 conglomerates, while the previous situation, last Friday, did not count those three. “It is a warning sign showing that the situation can develop very quickly,” the health agency warned, urging them to “come together and strictly apply barriers to action.” Finally, in Great Britain, the reproduction rate of the virus reddened, going to 2.6.

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As in France, a resurgence of cases has also been seen in several countries around the world in recent weeks, leading to new lockdowns at the local level, particularly in Europe. The possibility was foreseen by the French authorities in case the epidemic recedes.

subgoal option

For now, there is no talk of reinstating the containment general as the one appointed in mid-March. “We have taken the most radical and the most basic: containment, with consequences for the disease and in terms of psychiatric and social conditions. I don’t want this to happen again in the country,” Emmanuel Macron said during an interview on July 14. Instead, the head of state is now relying more on localized re-lockdowns, limited to specific cities or counties that are particularly affected. “We are trying to do everything possible to have a differentiated approach and to isolate as much as possible locally in the event of a second wave,” said the President of the Republic.

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New Prime Minister Jean Castex also clarified the government’s plan in an interview with Parisien published on Thursday. “The more epidemics start, the measures will be stronger. But now that we have indicators for the most localized ones, if necessary, for example, we will refine it, targeting this or that part of the territory or department, ”he explained. In Europe, such closures have been observed in twenty districts of Lisbon, in Portugal or even in the city of Leicester in Great Britain.

In France, three main criteria were used to decide on a possible new lockdown, in the national deconfinement plan developed by Jean Castex before he became prime minister. Already the degree of circulation of the virus in a territory, evaluated according to various indicators such as the number of visits to the emergency room or the number of interventions by SOS doctors. Then comes the possibility of hospitalization, especially intensive care units. And finally, “the coverage tests and the results of those tests,” said Jean Castex of the parliamentary committee.

Better support for the elderly

As for long-term care facilities, whose users remain particularly vulnerable in the event of an outbreak, Jean Castex also stated in her interview with Parisien that a “stronger personal protection mechanism” has been put in place. He remains the subject of visits, which were suspended during the first arrest. “The connection between people living in long-term care facilities and their families must never be broken, and we are thinking of developing video communication with families,” the prime minister added on the subject. “If there were stronger lockdown measures at the local level, I asked that we give ourselves the means to fight against the emotional isolation of vulnerable people,” he said.

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In this context, the former president of the Essonne departmental council, Jérôme Guedj, presented a report on Thursday to the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, listing a total of 36 proposals to combat the isolation of the elderly. “All these clues are still valid in the context of a possible reclosing. We saw that during the crisis where there was a structured policy to combat isolation, it worked better”, explains Jérôme Guedj when asked by El Expreso.

Among these proposals is precisely that, the best inclusion of the elderly in digital businesses. “During the stay it was seen that it was much easier to maintain a relationship with families in long-term care centers that already had tablets and where staff and residents were trained to use them,” says the former deputy for Essonne, calling to the generalizer of this device. “This can be useful in case of re-incarceration, but also in normal times for families living away from their loved ones in long-term care facilities,” he concludes.

strict sanitary conditions in schools

In an interview on July 14, Emmanuel Macron expressed his wish for the school year to be “almost normal” for 12 million French students in September. However, he cautioned that “if there were an acceleration [of the virus] during the month of August it will be necessary to review this school year. That’s not what I want, if we get it right we’ll have a slightly different return to school, even more challenging.”

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The situation remains like this for the moment, depending on the evolution of the epidemic in the territory, and it will be adjusted depending on the reconfinement rooms that can potentially be established in the event of a second wave. In this sense, the municipality of Vigan, in Garda, for example, decided at the end of June to close two of its schools early after the discovery of the epidemic.

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While we wait to find out more, the Ministry of Education issued a circular last Friday to guide the return to school, which will take place under strict sanitary conditions, the same ones that were applied before the start of the summer holidays. “All students are welcome during school hours,” the circular says. “Gesture barrier, hand hygiene, use of masks for adults and students from the age of 11 when the rules of separation in closed spaces cannot be observed, as well as transportation to and from school, cleaning and ventilation of the space” , is fixed. Regarding the tightening of these measures, the final decision is made by the evolution of the epidemic situation.

Date Updated: July 17, 2020, 5:59 PM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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