‘God of War’ artifacts collectibles guide

Hidden throughout the lands and realms of God of War are a whole bunch of collectibles that encourage you to explore the game and find hidden paths. They often come with some pretty tangible benefits as well. In the case of the “Artifacts” collectibles, finding each hidden item earns Kratos valuable experience he can use to earn new abilities. The trouble is the best benefits come from completing a set of artifacts, and that requires some scavenger hunt prowess.

Luckily, we’ve tracked down every artifact in Midgard and beyond so you don’t have to. Each of the seven sets of artifacts don’t have much use on their own, but in addition to the experience you earn for finding them, they can be sold for valuable hacksilver to buy and upgrade gear. Here are the locations of all the Artifacts you’ll come across in God of War.

Lost and Found

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These artifacts are all found in the beginning area, the Wildwoods. There are four in total, and you can get all of them before you leave the area for the Riverlands without having to backtrack.

Toy No. 1: Find the first toy just in front of Kratos’ house, to the right of the path you’ll take to exit the front yard.

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Toy No. 2: Follow Atreus as he tracks the deer and you’ll soon come to a stone staircase leading up the hill. The second toy is easy to spot, just to the left of the stairs.

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Toy No. 3: You’ll fight a group of Draugr enemies under some ruins with a big stone ring above and a seal on the ground below. There are three paths here — the one to the left continues toward the temple, while the forward path goes into a tomb. Take the one to the right. You’ll come to the edge of the waterfall with a chain you found earlier. Climb down and fight off the wolves, then check the body on the right for your third Lost and Found artifact.

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Toy No. 4: The final artifact is inside that temple ahead. You’ll reach a room filled with Draugr, in which you need to pull a chain to raise an iron gate ahead. When standing at the chain, pull a 180 to face the wall behind you. You’ll see a door there that you can push open, taking you back outside. Clear out the wolves and check to the right of the door for the final Lost and Found artifact.

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The Faces of Magic

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The Riverlands contain nine of these artifacts, which are a series of masks almost always found on bodies.

Mask No. 1

After fighting the human Reavers, you’ll climb out of the pit where you fought them and cross a stone walkway toward the exit. As you pass a chain, climb down to a grassy ledge that will lead you out toward the cliff outside. Keep following it until you find an armored corpse, which has the first of the Faces of Magic masks.

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Mask No. 2

Right after meeting Brok for the first time, check for a path to the right of his shop. Follow it to the end to where you can drop down to find another body, which has the second artifact in front of it.

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Mask No. 3

You’ll move through a room with a spiked ceiling you have to raise so you can travel underneath it. Just beyond, the path will take you through a tunnel back toward the outside. Check the body on the right side of the path for the third mask.

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Mask No. 4

Kratos and Atreus will share a quick cutscene at a cliff side. Stick to the edge of the cliff and walk to its end to find another body with the mask in front of it.

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Mask No. 5

After completing the puzzle in which you have to line up the spinning runes, you’ll follow a path through the mountain. Watch for a break to the left, where you can climb up and find the fifth Faces of Magic mask in a pool of water.

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Mask No. 6

After fighting the fire troll, you’ll drop down into a burned-out village with several huts, mostly destroyed. When you enter the village, you’ll have a group of three huts aligned to your right. Head up the path to the fourth hut, which is mostly collapsed and still smoldering. Head around back of the hut to find a body and the sixth artifact.

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Mask No. 7

You can’t get the last of the Faces of Magic until after you’ve met Mimir. Once you have accomplished this and the water in the Lake of Nine has dropped, return to the Witch’s House (you’ll do so as part of the story before long). In the Witch’s Cave, follow the path downward — to the left if you’re coming from the door to her house. At the bottom — in the wall to the right — you’ll find a big stone block you can move. Push the block over the edge of the platform so it falls down. You’ll now be able to jump to a platform in the middle of the room, where a body sits with the next artifact.

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Mask No. 8

The last two Faces of Magic are in the area around the Witch’s House, and you can get them after meeting Mimir and climbing out of the well in her front yard. As follow the path down toward the Witch’s House, watch on right for a body with another artifact in front of it.

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Mask No. 9

In front of the house, you’ll spot a chain you can climb up on the left side when facing the turtle. Climb up and follow the path, watching the left side for another body and the last of your Faces of Magic artifacts.

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Abandon Ship

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The Abandon Ship artifact set also contains nine pieces, tying it for the biggest group with The Faces of Magic. This is a tough one to complete, since these ship figureheads are scattered all over the place on the Lake of Nine.

Figurehead No. 1: Niflheim Tower

As you enter the lake the first time, you’ll pass part of a statue of Thor. Once the water drops, you can head back toward the statue and dock at the tower there. Take the elevator to the top of the tower and look off the east side for a shipwreck. To the right of the edge of the platform, on a body, is the first Abandon Ship artifact.

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Figurehead No. 2: Forgotten Caverns

Land on the beach and make for the green brazier where a Wayward Spirit waits to ask you a Favor. Look for a chain nearby that you can climb to a higher area. At the top, look for a body to the left seated against a rocky wall with the second artifact piece.

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Figurehead No. 3: Svartalfheim Tower

Heading north from the Forgotten Caverns, land at the next tower you come to. You’ll approach the tower on the south side to find an elevator to the top. Check the other side of the platform, near the northern elevator, for another body and the third figurehead artifact.

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Figurehead No. 4: Helheim Tower

Dock at the northernmost tower. If this is your first time at Lake of Nine, you’ll find a dock on the east side of it. Take the elevator to the top and then check the body immediately to your right to find the next artifact.

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Figurehead No. 5: Stone Falls

You’ll find Stone Falls on the east side of the lake, just south and east of the Alfheim Tower. Land on the beach and clear the enemies. Ahead you’ll see an iron gate with a chain beside it, and on your right a drawbridge you can cut down. Go through the iron gate to the far east end of the island and turn right, to the south. You’ll see a ledge you can climb up with a chest covered in red World Tree Sap that you can’t open at this time. Climb up and check to your left for two bodies, one of which has the next artifact.

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Figurehead No. 6: Cliffs of the Raven

The landing for the Cliffs of the Raven is south of Stone Falls, on the eastern coast of the Lake of Nine. Land at the beach and make your way around the back of the dead troll corpse lying here. Go around the back of it toward the cliff wall to find a spot where Atreus can climb up and drop down a chain. Climb the chain and follow the path at the top, past the purple chest, to find a body at the end with the sixth figurehead artifact.

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Figurehead No. 7: Lookout Tower Beach

Head to the beach just southwest of the bridge. Find the rune-covered Nornir chest; right beside it, you’ll see a body impaled on a bed of spikes that you can’t quite reach. Look above the Nornir Chest to find a yellow wooden gear control, which you can hit with your axe to spin. Hitting it once lowers the spikes, allowing you to grab the artifact.

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Figurehead No. 8: Tyr’s Temple Bridge

On either side of the long bridge crossing the Lake of Nine are boat landings. Dock at the one on the north side, or take the stairs down from the bridge. You’ll find a body right next to the boat landing and the eighth figurehead with it.

Figurehead No. 9: Isle of Death

Return to the Isle of Death in the southwest corner of the Lake of Nine. Climb to the top of the island, near the wooden machinery, and look for a barrier made of goldish rocks. Working around the side, you’ll see a red bottle, which you can hit with your axe and destroy, stationed right behind the barrier. Past the barrier, loop around some rocks on the left to find the final artifact.

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Horns of Veithurgard

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On the east side of the Lake of Nine, you can find a passage past some icebergs that takes you to an optional area of Midgard called Veithurgard. There you’ll find a dragon and a host of other cool things, including a new set of six artifacts: the Horns of Veithurgard.

Horn No. 1

As you enter the lake of Veithurgard, you can head either to the left, toward a small island with a statue of Thor, or to the right to the mainland. Land at the beach at the mainland, beside a long dock. Before you go anywhere else, walk out to the end of the dock to find a body and the first of the Horns of Veithurgard.

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Horn No. 2

From the beach, head to the right along the coast until you each an iron gate. Keep going past it to find a chain you can pull to raise it. Freeze the gear in place to keep the gate open, then head behind it and climb up to reach an overlook with a Realm Tear directly in front of you. Go past it to the right where you can drop down, then turn right again. A wooden barrier you can destroy is set in the wall. Inside, you’ll find a body with the second horn.

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Horn No. 3

Head up the stairs, dodging the dragon’s breath, until you reach the magic altar binding it. From here, turn left and you’ll see a small wooden bridge that’ll cross over the creek. Look for a pile of wooden boxes and other debris that you can smash through against the cliff wall. You’ll find a body behind it with the third horn.

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Horn No. 4

Just up the path on the right, going up the hill a bit, you’ll see a bridge to the Veithurgard castle that is blocked by rocks. Just at the front of the bridge, on the near side of the gap you can’t jump yet, is a body with the fourth horn.

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Horn No. 5

Once you’ve finally made your way into the castle proper, you’ll enter a large hall with a Jotnar Shrine just in front of you. The path here splits, with stairs going up on the left and a hallway to the right, although both will circle back together. Take the left path and you’ll reach a body near a ruined wall with the fifth horn on it.

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Horn No. 6

The hallways ahead will eventually lead you into a great hall, most of which is flooded. You’ll see a control ahead as you enter the room. Drain the water and head around to the left to where you can drop down. Just ahead, leaning against the wall beside the doorway forward, is a body with the final horn in front of it.

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Spoils of War

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The quest will eventually take Kratos and Atreus to Alfheim, one of the other realms connected to Midgard. While you’re there, you’ll be able to hunt down six artifacts related to the war between the Light and Dark elves.

Spoil No. 1: Lake of Light southern beach

When you reach the Lake of Light area, row out and head east and south (to your right) to find a beach. After landing and clearing out the enemies, you’ll find a control that opens an iron gate ahead. You’ll have to sprint to get through before the gate closes. Inside, the path forks right and left. Take the right fork to another iron gate. Open it and quickly throw your axe to clear out the pink Alfheim vines. Now head through the gate and follow the path, which will take you over a bridge made of branches, until you hit a cliff looking down over the beach where you landed. Throw your axe down to hit all three vines below you, opening the path into a cave on your right. That’ll clear vines beside you as well, revealing a body with the first Spoils of War artifact.

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Spoil No. 2: Lake of Light northern beach

Back in your boat, head up to the north to find a second beach you can land on. Immediately after leaving the boat, head to the right (following the water line) to find a short stone path. A body lies in the middle with the second artifact.

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Spoil No. 3: Ringed Temple Trench

As you reach the far end of the trench, you’ll fight a Stone Ancient on a large round platform. Next, you’ll use one of the Alfheim Light crystals to restore a light bridge leading out of the area. Don’t follow Atreus, however. Instead, look to the left for a second bridge that has also been activated and terminates into a wall. Two bodies lie at the far end, and the third spoil is there as well.

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Spoil No. 4: Ringed Temple Trench elevator

After completing your work inside the Ringed Temple proper, you’ll return to the Ringed Temple Trench — only this time it’ll be closed and dark inside. You’ll start by coming down the elevator that brought you to the temple, finding yourself in a chamber with several jail cells that were previously closed to you. Check the one to the west to find a body with the fourth artifact.

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Spoil No. 5: Darkened Ringed Temple Trench

You’ll now have the ability to activate Alfheim’s Light crystals with arrows to make bridges. After you exit the area with the elevator, you’ll come out into the big main trench room. The platform extends downward in front of you, but there are also paths to the left and right where you can activate bridges by shooting Alfheim Light crystals. Take the left one into another round chamber with cells in it. Check the center cell for the artifact.

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Spoil No. 6: End of the Ringed Temple Trench

Follow the trench back to the far end and you’ll reach the place where you previously lowered the floor in order to find the path forward. Lower the floor again, take the tunnel that it opens, and follow it back to another round room with multiple, formerly locked cells. Your last artifact is in the northwest one.

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Bottoms Up

You’ll start to find the ornate cups of the Bottoms Up artifact set once you get inside the Mountain, after clearing the Black Breath. There are six of these, but they’re often a bit tougher to find because of the low light level throughout the mountain caverns.

Cup No. 1: Waterfall cavern

As you work into the tunnels, you’ll cross a wooden bridge into a large room, where you’ll fight several enemies, including a Revenant, nightmares, and Draugr. Ahead you’ll see rune-marked spinners to open a Nornir chest, and beyond that a cliff with water falling in the distance. Hug the wall on the left side and look for a wooden barrier. Smash it and clear the stuff inside to reveal a body with the first cup.

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Bottoms Up No. 2: Claw Room

Eventually you’ll hit a big room with a giant claw that Kratos and Atreus mean to use to carry them upward through the mountain to the summit. When you go looking for a way to get to the claw’s rope and free it, you’ll soon exit into a large room with a big dead beast of burden and a giant stone block you need to move back into the claw room. When you move the block, check the wall to the left of the beast for one of those spiked walls that you can rotate with your axe. Open it to reveal bodies and another cup.

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Cup No. 3: Heart of the Mountain

Soon after you’ve raised the claw, Atreus will gain new arrows that allow him to blow up the shards of red World Tree Sap scattered throughout the world. Past Sindri’s shop, you’ll re-enter the mountain, and before long come to a big room that forms a vertical shaft. Look for wooden scaffolding and a Sap barrier that you can blow up on the left side. That’ll reveal a basket onto which the crystal is still attached. Just behind the basket is a body with the next artifact.

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Cup No. 4: The Summit

You’ll soon be back outside again on the path toward the summit. Follow the path until you reach a door covered in brambles that you can’t yet open. Look for a path to the left and follow it; look for a body on the left side, leaned up against a large rock, waiting with another cup artifact.

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STOP! After this point, this guide contains unavoidable story spoilers. Don’t read on until you’ve been to Helheim!

Cup No. 5: Return to the claw room

Eventually, the story will bring you back to the mountain, and this time you’ll have Atreus’ lightning arrows with you. As you make your way back inside the mouth of the mountain, you’ll soon return to the room that earlier held the giant claw. Turn left from the entrance toward the room with the dead beast of burden and you’ll see a World Tree Sap barrier on the left wall. Clear it and check inside to find a body with the fifth cup.

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Cup No. 6: Path to the summit

With the claw gone, you’ll take a new path to the summit by clearing brambles off an elevator at the far side of the claw room. Once above, you’ll find yourself moving onto a wooden walkway around the side of the room, with a shaft down the center. The body with the final cup is right in your way as you walk onto the wood scaffolding.

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Family Heirloom

god of war artifacts collectibles guide family heirloom

You’ll find the final set of artifacts when you visit the realm of Helheim. There are five items in the Family Heirloom set, but you’ll need to make more than one trip to Helheim to nab them all. The first three can be grabbed on your first visit to the realm, but you can’t get the rest until you return with Atreus.

Heirloom No. 1

Head down the bridge into Helheim until you reach a door you can’t open. The path will take you down to the left instead, where you’ll shimmy between blocks of ice, then climb down two broken stone pillars to reach the area below. Walk north toward the wall with the wooden weapons racks and other debris. Pull a 180 and look up at one of the pillars to see a patch of brambles. Burn them and the first Family Heirloom artifact will drop down to you.

god of war artifacts collectibles guide family heirloom 1 stone pillar

Heirloom No. 2

Keep moving from here through the section of the room where the icy floor drops. You’ll use a small stone pillar as a step to reach a part of a wall you can climb to get out of the area, and then move through an icy tunnel. When you leave the tighter area for one where the ceiling is higher, look up at the wall for more brambles that you can burn to release another artifact.

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Heirloom No. 3

After killing the bridge keeper, head back to Tyr’s Temple. Right outside the door, hug the left side of the bridge and go around the big pile of ice there. You’ll find the third Heirloom lying on the ground just behind it.

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Heirloom No. 4

Return to Helheim sometime in the future with Atreus, as you’ll need his lightning arrows. Head north to the section of the Bridge of the Damned containing the gates you needed the Winds of Hel energy to open. Facing north, go to the second gate and climb up on top of the walkway that spans the bridge. Head left and use Atreus’ lightning arrows to clear a World Tree Sap barrier and reveal a Hidden Chamber. Immediately past the barrier, in the right corner, is the fourth Heirloom. Be careful not to walk right past it.

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Heirloom No. 5

You’ll need to open the Hidden Chamber beyond the sap barrier to get the final Heirloom. Head inside and take the elevator down into the antechamber outside the Valkyrie’s arena room. Go up the stairs and check the back left corner of the upper floor to find the last artifact.

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Categories: GAMING
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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