Everything you need to know about Overwatch endorsements

For as long as competitive gaming has been around, there have been all kinds of bad sports. From bad mouthing to dueling to downright disgusting behavior, most players have unfortunately had at least a few unfortunate encounters with these toxic players. At first, there was nothing you could do with these players except log them out and maybe use some kind of login system if the game had that feature. As the games became more popular, the number of these bad players increased, but so did the tools to discourage such bad behavior.

Blizzard is incredibly popular and growing Supervision has a particularly bad history with toxic players in its community. While there have been many attempts to cure this scourge of annoying, offensive, and downright disgusting behavior, the latest system they’ve put in place is trying something a bit new. Instead of discouraging bad behavior with punishments, which of course still exist, Supervision you now have an approval system that you are trying to encourage good behavior. If you’re wondering what approvals are, how they work, and how and why you should try to get them, here’s everything you need to know.

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What are Overwatch endorsements?

Overwatch heroes in the air about to attack.

The obvious question is: What are endorsements? In simple terms, they are a social feature added to the game that is intended to reward players who play well, are good teammates, and are generally positive players for the in-game community. There are three types of endorsements that can be obtained:

Sportsmanship: This type of support is intended to reward players who demonstrate good sportsmanship. This means staying positive instead of accusing or arguing with your team, respecting everyone in the game, and generally behaving well throughout the game. And this support isn’t just limited to your own team. Being a good sportsman for your opponents, whether you win or lose, is also important here. To earn it, it’s best to maintain a good attitude, cheer on your teammates via voice chat, and refrain from being stupid.

Good Teammate – This one is a bit more focused than Sportsmanship as it directly relates to your interactions with a specific team during a match. All the usual things mentioned in Sportsmanship apply here, but with a few additions. A good teammate, for example, is willing to put the team first. This can mean contributing to a cause or team effort, offering advice or helpful information via voice or text, and perhaps most importantly, Supervision, be willing to change characters for the good of the game. If you’re the main Hanzo but your team needs a healer, that little sacrifice will go a long way toward gaining this support.

Recommended Caller: If you are Supervision Veteran, this is a good support to aim for. If you know all the tips, character strategies, and the best team lineups for the situation, then communicating that information to your team, respectfully and politely of course, is how you become a Shot Caller. Being a good leader giving helpful advice, especially to players who may be new to or just unfamiliar with the current meta, is great for building a stronger community, making you a fantastic support.

How to give and receive support

Lucio takes shelter against the pink wall.Snow storm

So now that we’ve covered the different types of certifications, how do you actually earn them? The game itself can’t really pick who was a good teammate or marksman like it can for the game itself, which means it’s up to you and the other players in the game to decide who, if anyone, deserves support.

After the match ends, you will see an option to support the player while the game is displayed. You can assign up to three players for each match to prevent spam or system tampering, so choose carefully before assigning one. You will also earn 50 XP for every support you provide.

You can give support to anyone on your team, excluding yourself of course, but you can’t give Good Teammate or Shot Caller to someone on another team for reasons that should be obvious. However, you can, and should, award a certificate of sportsmanship to someone on the other team if they deserve it. Please note that you can only back one player with a commit and you can only back any individual player once every 12 hours. This is also the time when you will see if someone will support you. As long as you’ve completed the match, you’re eligible for support, even if you leave as soon as the match ends and start looking for another match.

You cannot give or receive referrals in arcade mode to people in your party or to people you are friends with. This prevents friends from encouraging each other with referrals.

Why should I care about approvals?

Overwatch characters fighting in the street.Snow storm

There are several main reasons why you should care about referrals. First, the health of the community is at stake. Supervision it’s nothing without its players and everyone wants to have a good time playing the game without feeling like they’re going to be intimidated or put on a team with someone they’re trying to lose on purpose. Second, sponsorships have their own progression system to work on. They don’t use the same system XP as their normal level, but can only level up by gaining more of that support. In other words, continue to be a good sport and you’ll get support at a higher level. Currently, each can go up to a maximum level of five, but that level is not static. If you stop getting referrals, or worse, if you get reported as toxic, the drop will lessen.

Finally, there are several other rewards that you can enjoy by earning referrals. The first is to get some priority when searching for a pair in the new Search Group option, so you will be placed with other highly supported players. Blizzard has also hinted at other additional rewards that will be given out to heavily supported players over time, but details have yet to be shared. Some suspect additional loot boxes and discounted credits, which indeed seem like likely rewards, but these are just rumors at this point.

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Categories: GAMING
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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