The Hulk Once Lifted BILLIONS of Tons in Marvel Comics

Hulk’s name is almost synonymous with strength, but how much power can Angry Hulk actually have? Believe it or not, the answer is in fact: (at least) 150 billion tons.

by Marvel Secret War – Released in 1984, the original The Beyonder, i.e. The Beyonder, an almost all-powerful cosmic entity, pits some of Marvel’s most beloved heroes and villains on a deserted planet. isolation. Out of 4, Molecule Man has a surefire way to wipe out tons of heroes. What is the plan? Just throw a mountain at them. Simple but effective. Spider-Man’s spider senses warn him of impending danger, but the heroes fail to escape and are pinned down the mountain…

At least it looked like that, until a few pages later, when Hulk managed to grab the massive rock — believed to weigh 150 billion tons and stretch over two miles — and lift it overhead. Thanks to the Hulk’s strength, the heroes avoided death but were still trapped under the mountain. Hulk continues to hold the mountain high for several pages while Mister Fantastic devises a way for the heroes to escape. Just as Atlas carries the weight of the world, Hulk does it all alone (though the other heroes aren’t so busy). Fortunately, Hulk didn’t have to hold out for long. Using the resources they had, Mister Fantastic modified Iron Man’s thrust to be strong enough to blow a hole in the hillside for the heroes to escape.

It’s a pretty legendary moment for the Hulk, as it gives precise (and ridiculously high) numbers on how much he can lift – and nowhere says that’s even the limit of he. This miracle is really Spider-Man and the Secret War In 2010, he misses that part very much Avengers: Game over Smart Hulk raises the base of the Avengers after it was attacked by Thanos.

As impressive as grabbing an entire mountain, it might not even be Hulk’s craziest feat. Another time, he destroyed an asteroid twice the size of Earth with a single punch (Marvel Comics introduces #52), Once he almost destroyed a continent with one step (Hulk World War), When he slaps the entire dimension of existence (Green Giant #126). If Hulk’s power seems limitless, it’s because it exists Incredible Green Giant #228, Dr. Samson tries to measure the limit of Hulk’s strength, only to discover that…well, there is no limit. It seems the only thing Hulk is sensitive to is Black Widow talking about the sun. If only the molecular people could come up with that.

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