In Seine-et-Marne, a pompière wounded by a man to whom she was there to help

On Wednesday night, a young woman was shot by a two-wheeler already known to the police, whom she went to help. young sapeurs

On Wednesday night, a young woman was shot by a two-wheeler already known to the police, whom she went to help.

A young volunteer from sapeure-pompière was slightly injured on Wednesday night during an intervention in Melun (Seine-et-Marne) by the driver of the two-wheeled vehicle in which she was a rescuer, we learned this Thursday from several sources .

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Firefighters and the National Police intervened until 7:00 p.m. in the area of ​​the city after the accident of the driver of the scooter, who fell alone. A 19-year-old boy, previously known to police for driving without a helmet, was taken to an ambulance with the help of firefighters for examination, a police source said.

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The person was arrested and detained.

For their support, “about twenty people, at the request of the father of the victim”, who is at the scene, “participated” in the ambulance and the police, the firefighters said.

“Virulent and ferocious”, the driver tried to pull the vehicle, injuring the young pompière and attacking the public force agent, he pursued a police source, who assured that some individuals in the crowd used tear gas to break the vehicle. .

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The driver and his father were arrested and detained by the police. Pompière, with a “shocked and bruised arm,” received two days of total disability for work (ITT), according to the fire department.

On Tuesday night in Etampes (Essonne), a firefighter was shot in the calf while working to extinguish a fire in a vehicle. His minor injury once again brought to the fore the issue of the safety of firefighters who regularly participate in their missions.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin traveled to Stamps on Wednesday and prosecutor Evryja opened an investigation. The profession, outraged, condemned the “first unbearable.”

Date Updated: July 16, 2020, 1:58 PM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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