Why Morbius Changed Lucien’s Name To Milo?

In spite of mobile Following a simple story revolving around the anti-hero Morbius and his odd nickname for the movie villain Lucian, the film is engaging and engaging. Lucien Crown, nicknamed “Milo”, is incorrect in the original manga, but is largely based on mobile The villain’s name is Lohias Krona. Considering that the name Lucian is the perfect name for the character in the original document, it would also suit Matt Smith in mobileOddly enough, he’s called Milo throughout the movie. Also, it’s hard not to wonder why Morbius called him Milo when he first met him, and somehow that moniker survived to the end.

Mobius met Lucian at a children’s ward in Greece where patients with a rare blood disorder were treated. When the younger version of Matt Smith’s character introduced himself as Lucian, Morbius corrected him and called him Milo. Mobius explained his new moniker, claiming that all the boys who had previously been in Lucian’s bed were also named Milo, making him the rightful heir to the nickname. That first strange encounter then develops into a friendship that lasts until Jared Leto’s Morbius finds a cure for his blood disease, but risks losing all else.

The moniker Mobius gives Lucien seems to indicate that after a long stay in the children’s quarters, he has developed a sickly view of the world around him and accepts most of his new friends. in this area. To deal with this harsh reality and distance himself from his new friends, he starts naming all of his bedmates “Milo”. Maybe Milo didn’t realize Morbius’ original intentions, he became comfortable with Morbius and learned to accept his new name. Tracing its Latin roots, the name Milo is derived from “mile”, which means “soldier”. This makes the nickname all the more meaningful, as it seems to indicate that Morbius wanted his friend to fight for his life as a soldier against his illness.

Explaining Lucian’s Name Change To Milo In Mobius

Matt Smith as Milo in Morbius

For mobileIn the closing moments, Jared Leto’s anti-hero decides to save the world by killing Milo and stopping him from wreaking havoc because of his bloodlust. Before apologizing for abusing his vampire powers, Milo recalled the name Morbius had given him, a name that brought back fond memories of the day they first met and Milo’s role in the movie. movie. The story line has come to an end. this decisive moment mobileDue to Milo’s lack of development, the ending scene probably won’t be as shocking. Still, it’s a gripping origin story about a flawed anti-hero like Morbius, who lost everything from his girlfriend to his best friend in an attempt to heal his wounds. self.

From his childhood, Morbius actively tried to change the reality around him, changing Lucian’s name, and as an adult, he made incredible medical advances in an attempt to cure his condition. . Although the name “Milo” may have inspired his friend’s fighting spirit, in the end it was Milo who took his own life at Morbius, both after receiving treatment and after a head-to-head confrontation. with his old friend, he has lost his humanity. The name change in the Sony movie Morbius is meant as a way of identifying Morbius and Lucian themselves as they battle in a world not designed for them and try to change things for themselves.

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