Covid-19 : 14 new deaths in 24 HOURS in France, the rise of calls to the SOS Doctors

According to the DGS, the number of calls to SOS doctors for suspected cases of Covid-19 is significantly higher. It is one of the factors to monitor in the context of t

According to the DGS, the number of calls to SOS doctors for suspected cases of Covid-19 is significantly higher. This is one of the factors that must be monitored in the context of the epidemic.

France registered 14 new deaths from Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in hospitals, bringing the total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic to 29,979, the General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced Thursday. The number of patients undergoing resuscitation continues to decline, there are 512 patients with a more severe form, which is 17 less than on Wednesday, the DGS specifies in a press release.

A total of 7,177 people were hospitalized due to the Covid-19 infection and 79 new admissions were registered in 24 hours. The same four regions still have 70% of patients hospitalized for resuscitation: Ile-de-France, Great Is, Hauts-de-France and Guyana.

326 interventions by SOS doctors

In Addition-Mer (Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Reunion and Mayotte) there are 214 hospitalizations, of which 41 are in the ICU (four less than the day before). The balance in socio-health institutions (nursing homes) currently stands at 10,476 deaths, and will be updated on July 15. “The virus continues to circulate in the territory,” recalls the DGS.

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In France, SOS doctors carried out 326 interventions yesterday on suspicion of COVID-19, 4.3% of the total activity, according to the DGS. Emergency services logged 145 calls for the same reason, or 0.4 percent of total activity, it also noted. That’s 83 more than Wednesday (243), 111 more than last Friday (215), 169 more than Friday June 26 (157).

The DGS insists on the Stop Covid application

Calls to SOS doctors are one of the factors to monitor to predict the resumption of the epidemic. Another factor that is used to measure the movement of the virus is the number of visits to the emergency room for suspected Covid-19. According to the DGS press release, 145 crossings were made in the last 24 hours, a stable figure in the last three weeks.

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“detective work”: how the WHO will investigate the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“With all the hygiene and common sense actions that remain, more than ever, the General Directorate of Health reminds us of the usefulness of the StopCovid application in the fight against the epidemic and encourages all French people to download it”, writes the DGS in Press release. This application allows each user to be notified of prolonged contact with a sick person or carrier of the virus.

Date updated: Jul 10, 2020, 01:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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