The Only Time Wednesday Cries In The Show (& Why)

warning! This article contains key revelations for Wednesday’s first season! Wednesday Adams broke one of her most important rules, crying in an incredibly devastating moment. Wednesday The most notable traits of Wednesday’s Adams character in the first season are his cold tone and expression, sarcastic demeanor, gothic style, and obsession with killing, which Netflix’s record-breaking series reveals as part of its exploration of the iconic character’s more complex emotions. For example, Wednesday saw Uncle Fester not only laugh unnaturally, but shed real sad tears during one scene. Wednesday The saddest moment of season one.

The only time we cry on a Wednesday is when the thing dies Wednesday Seventh episode of the first season. Looking for something to stab in the room, Wednesday lost her temper as she offered her sensitive hand to Uncle Fester, who was trying to use electricity to revive him, tears welling up in her eyes. After almost giving up, Feist miraculously brought everything back to life, Wednesday almost cried And Smile. Many deaths had occurred around her on Wednesday, but the mysterious hand was something different: he was her family, her closest confidant, and Nevermore’s responsibility. On Wednesday, the thing that was stabbed left a rare hole as she feared losing one of the few people who truly understood her.

why Wednesday says she never cries

Young Wednesday Adams cries over the grave of her pet scorpion Nero in Netflix Wednesday Episode 1

when associated with enid Wednesday In the first episode, Jenna Ortega’s character revealed that she never cried, which is why the tears she shed during Stone Man’s brief death were so shocking. Wednesday said the last time she cried was after Halloween when she was 6 years old. She took her pet scorpion, Nero, out for a walk when a group of bullies pinned her to the ground, leaving her to watch them run to kill it. Wednesday A flashback from the first episode of season 1 shows her burying the scorpion, and she confesses that she “Cry [her] black heart revealedWhen Nero died. However, tears did not bring Nero back to life, or “fix anything‘ So she vowed never to cry again.

The near-death thing is reminiscent of Nero’s death, which is why Wednesday is crying. The image of Nero walking on Wednesday resembles the way she always passes stone people and both play an equally important role in her life. Seeing things stabbed and lifeless made her recall all the emotions she felt when she watched Nero get killed ten years ago, but this time Wednesday wasn’t just crying because she really wanted to. the addams . familyThe hand is alive. Wednesday doesn’t think crying is a sign of weakness, she just thinks it’s pointless; WednesdayThe character who didn’t blink couldn’t hold back his tears for his monstrous friend.

what does wed cry for everything really mean

Jenna Ortega Cries When Addams Wed On Wed Season 1, Episode 7

like a more emotional exploration the addams . family As far as the characters go, Wednesday’s single crying scene makes perfect sense. It’s no coincidence that Wednesday’s cry effectively showcases her growth and emotional range in the same episode where she puts on her only genuine smile, proving that she doesn’t have the cold, dark heart she wants others to think she has. Wednesday prides herself on being ruthless, but Yongmo Academy has taught her how fulfilling her time can be if she appreciates her feelings. After smiling at Uncle Fester and crying over the monster, she reached her climax when she hugged Enid. WednesdaySeason 1 finale.

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