Moment Dog Realizes Baby Bunnies Have Grown Up and Left Nest Breaks Hearts

A Bernese herdsman who raised a litter of bunnies has melted hearts after her reaction to adopted babies leaving the nest went viral.

A post shared to TikTok Sunday by a pet owner with the username @lilybearbernie shows a clip of Lily bonding with bunnies. It has received more than 3.3 million views. The bunnies lounge comfortably in her nest, appearing unfazed by her presence, followed by a clip of her reaction as they grow up and leave their nest for good.

The heartwarming video comes with a caption that reads: “Lily found baby bunnies! She checked on them every day. But then they grew up and left the nest. But she still searched for them. Just in case…” Followed by: “Lily got to see some baby bunnies grow but was sad when they left their nest.”

The adoption of Bernese Mountain rabbits has gone viralMain image: Bernese Mountain Dog outdoors with his tongue hanging out. Inset: a bunny in a meadow. A Bernese mountain dog who adopted bunnies has melted hearts on the internet. fake images

Dogs are social creatures that seek to interact with humans and non-humans alike, according to Rover’s pet health experts. They are uncomfortable being alone and although they prefer to socialize with other dogs, they will still bond with non-dogs under the right circumstances. Additionally, adopting another species into your pack is also a support mechanism. Rover’s experts compared it to human toddlers who have a teddy bear as their main social support.


Lily watched some bunnies grow up but was saddened when they left their nest #bernesemountaindog #bernesemountaindogcachorro #babybunny #dogtok

♬ Never Grow Up – Taylor Swift

The video quickly gained popularity on social media, attracting viewers from all over TikTok. So far, it has received more than 127,000 likes.

One user, rapunzel3697, commented: “Buy her a bunny, buy her a bunny!” And Aaron Keaner wrote: “Checking the empty hole broke me.” KIMBERLY added: “The way my lab would work around s[ith] bunnies that create a toy”.

Jaxxy2 wrote: “Anyone else waiting to see the bunnies run towards her?” And Mary Toennis posted: “What a cute video, please buy that pup a bunny.” Jessie added: “Same thing. My border collie sits in the hole/nest all the time.”

Another user, doty733, commented: “It’s so hard when friends move! Poor dog…” Heff added: “My dog ​​did the same thing. He wouldn’t leave the yard and I finally figured out why. He just lay next to them.”

news week took to @lilybearbernie via a TikTok comment. We were unable to verify the details of the case.

Do you have funny and cute videos or photos of your pet that you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with a few details about your best friend and they could be featured on our Pets of the Week list.

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