How To Test An App For Free In Less Than 5 Minutes?

In a market where over 3,000 apps are released every day, how do you plan to stay ahead of the crowd? In the current scenario, innovation and experimentation increase the popularity of the app, while the simple interfaces and improved visuals go to the heart. So how do you calculate your movement? In general, to rank first, companies must design everything from accuracy to speed to visual appeal.

Now that you’ve built your app and it’s ready to market, have you tested it? There is a diverse set of parameters that an application should be based on, rather than face the stiff competition that challenges it. That is why it is always recommended to do some basic testing before launching your app on the market.

There are three key points to keep in mind before you start planning:

  • Always use multiple devices when testing
  • Keep different screen resolutions
  • Always select more than one version of the operating system

Ideally, you should test your website on a variety of different operating systems, versions of operating systems present on the market. Another thing to be aware of is the app’s tendency to have different resolutions while running on different devices or operating systems.

You need to make sure that the application resolution does not go out of bounds. The visual appearance must remain the same for all clients. Sometimes we tend to build apps with the latest versions of mobile devices, but make sure your app can run on older versions as well.

There are many tools available in the market to test your application, but the factor that differentiates one tool from another is how responsive the tool is and what features of the tool can be subservient to the application. Developers get confused when choosing the right tool for an application, but it’s better to know what you want from your tool, there should be a list or inventory to follow. Make sure the tool meets your list of expectations. Once you’ve settled on a tool, it’s time to try it out.

The general idea of ​​testing remains the same at all times, it is considered a long-term development step that requires effort. Testing is one of the most important steps in the time-consuming post-development block. But with the help of available tools, the work can be minimized. To keep your time under control, we have created a 5-minute app testing method that can save you time and effort at the same time.

One thing that is unusual about this article is that it states that you can take the test in just five minutes, and it’s free! How attractive does that sound? Well, the deal is, you get your first 100 minutes of automation testing free at LambdaTest. With features adapted to technical situations for early mastery. LambdaTest has proven to be one of the best mobile app testing platforms out there.

The list of steps you will follow while taking the test is quite simple, all you need to do is-

Time management

Since you only have five minutes to test your app, it’s important to check all the categories you’ll be testing your app for. You need to make sure the priorities for your work are set because you don’t want to rush things at the end and make a big mess. There are chances that you may face network issues or testing failure, but to relax, prepare your lists and make a map to follow while testing your app.

clear combinations

You need to sort the combinations before proceeding, it’s important to know how many browsers are available plus the operating system and version your app will run on. Given the diversity of the market and the hundreds of combinations available, it’s crucial to cover all the combinations you can use with LambdaTest before moving on to testing. There is a step where you have to select the combination you want to test your app with, we suggest you choose wisely.

One rule you should follow is “choose all possible combinations.” You cannot miss the combination that your target audience would use, in order to capture all your audience, try to create a perfect user experience for them.

Simulator and emulator theories

Before moving on to the theory of using simulators and emulators, it is necessary to understand the basic difference between them and how their use can increase the effectiveness of the test.

Simulators create software configurations so that you know how the app will work on a mobile device, giving you the same experience as a mobile device. Whereas if we talk about emulators, they not only create illusions of software but also include hardware features to pass a mobile based replica.

With the help of the emulator, you can monitor important factors like battery consumption, cache requirements, and app memory management from your mobile device.

The general question is how to use both in a five minute quiz challenge. LambdaTest provides the use of simulators and emulators once you enter the test, it includes all the basic criteria to include both functions in the test.

turn off the bugs

One of the indisputable steps of testing is detecting errors that could be the source of a failure or deficiency in your application. There are many ways to handle errors, you can do it manually or with the help of machines, you can capture your errors on screen or design a whole book of screenshots.

But if we’re talking about doing it in five minutes, we need an approach that takes less time and is more focused on fixing the bug rather than fixing it first.

To make things easier for you, our handpicked platform below has a bug rescue feature so you can catch bugs early. Features allow you to mark errors and save changes. Also, you can share flagged errors with your team to minimize them.

This feature makes the testing process faster and more relevant to you and the app. You can save your time looking for errors and invest it in other areas that require your due attention.

Explore all possible solutions

What is striking, you know the format well after that. So basically you have to do a lot more work to visualize your app. The app should be visually exclusive with all things in a compact form and present only relevant information.

Don’t clutter the screen with irrelevant or unwanted content, the screen display is smaller so it needs to be clean and clear for users to get the best experience. You can always ditch the navigation bar and go to the hamburger menu, you can link child info and pages to the menu and keep the main info in the main view. Avoid using pop-ups or download tips, the user will not appreciate it.

You need to make sure that your app content has the quality to keep your viewers on the app. With the help of LambdaTest, you can change many visual scenarios such as display mode, resolution, or device settings. Play around with the features to extract the best version of your app.

All efforts are focused on the user experience.

It only takes a fraction of a minute for a viewer to decide if they like your app or not, the impression and impact you are looking for should be enough confirmation to encourage them to create more and more updates and changes to your website. Some of the basic factors that ensure the user experience in your app include:

  • Application speed.
  • Response time of your application.
  • Simple and clear navigation.
  • Look and feel of the app.
  • The level of enthusiasm that pumps the viewer.
  • If the application can beat all of the above criteria, there is no way to prevent your application from being successful.

practical conclusion

Use LambdaTest to run your mobile app tests

Now that you know what to test, it’s time to figure out how the test will start. The appearance of LambdaTest’s mobile app testing feature is very simple and practical, once you figure out how to work with it, it’s no longer a science.

Get started by logging into your dashboard and uploading your project. Then select a combination of mobile devices, operating systems, and version. You also have the option to host the app locally once or twice before running the test. The hosting is secured by SSH tunnels and offers more possibilities. Once you’ve chosen a combination, it’s time to start testing.

Within minutes, you will be able to test your mobile app and even share any bugs found with relevant developers through the various integrations LambdaTest offers. Now you can make the necessary changes and dive back into testing, you can retest again and again until there are no better updates left.

Now that it’s clear how you can run your test in just five minutes, try participating in hands-on testing sessions of your application with the help of the LambdaTest platform. The app only asks you to fill in basic information, and the post-work takes care of itself. Development is not all there is to it. Testing is one of the main requirements and should be done before you bring your app to market.

Stay tuned for more tech updates!

Categories: How to

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