The Top 10 Love Triangles In Animated Shows

2021 is a great year for animation, and it even offers some interesting romantic subplots. Adding a touch of romance is one of the oldest tricks in fiction, but a love triangle is an interesting twist in an ordinary romance plot that can keep the story interesting and keep fans looking for their favorite.

The love triangle can be used for humorous effect or to enhance the plot. Usually, the best love triangles in anime feature main characters, but there are some great movies that also have supporting characters. Regardless, each adds an interesting bit of suspense to the story.


Sam Denny and Valerie's love triangle in Danny Phantom

ghost danny is one of the most popular cartoons of the 2000s. The main trio Danny, Sam and Tucker make up a fun and interesting cast of characters for children.

Danny and Sam’s relationship develops romantically throughout the film, but Sam has a few rivals throughout the film. Originally Paulina, but part-time ghost hunters Valerie and Danny developed a bit of romance throughout the series. This love triangle could have expanded further, but it was intense when it lasted.

Cyclops/Jean Gray/Wolverine

In the X-Men comics, Wolverine puts his arm around Cyclops while Jean Gray holds six cans of beer.

While they’re better known as one of the best love triangles in the comics, this X-Men trilogy has plenty of drama on the TV and silver screens as well.

All three have appeared several times in x Men cartoons, including x Men, wolf and x MenAnd Mutant: Evolution. The actual romantic relationship between Wolverine and Jean varies from version to version, and fortunately, in the version where Jean and Cyclops are depicted as teenagers, it’s completely dropped.


Trixie and Tutti from 'Quite Strange Parents'

Butch Hartman’s cartoons always do a good job of including humorous depictions of childhood hauntings without making them too big a part of the show.

Pretty Weird Admittedly, there are two platonic loves involved: Timmy has a crush on Trixie and Tutti likes Timmy. These two obsessions rarely intersect in the plot, but both play important roles in Timmy’s adventures. He often makes extravagant wishes, or tries to flirt with Trixie and avoid Tutti.

Finn/Chewing Gum/Marceline

Finn Marceline and Bubblegum in Adventure Time

Adventure Time As an animated show with such rich history and lore, it deserves a special mention Adventure Time Movie. However, for now, fans can barely watch the original series, obsidian stone.

The Bubblegum/Finn/Marceline love triangle is disturbed by a few different characters, namely the Flame Princess. The only real element of Finn and Bubblegum’s two-sided romance occurred when Bubblegum was young, and the love triangle was a bit of a hitch. When she returns to normal, everything will be completely Bubblegum/Marceline centered.


Courtney, Duncan and Gwen in Total Drama

Drama Island Full Series and the next series all dramas The series has a lot of interesting characters, but the original also has some of the best relationships.

Duncan and Courtney are the main relationship in the triangle, and Duncan and Gwen are often asked the “will they or not” question throughout the series. The love triangle ends in the usual way a love triangle ends: Gwen and Courtney are Duncan’s best friends, which is nonexistent for them.

Diane/Peanut Butter/BoJack Horseman

Peanut Butter, Diane and BoJack Horseman

BoJack the Knight Arguably one of the best animated series of all time, the first season revolved around a love triangle between the protagonist and his work partners: Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane.

The love triangle in the first season was relatively one-sided. Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane fell in love and got engaged midway through the season. On the other hand, BoJack quickly falls in love with Diana, and ends up falling in love with her completely, even though she’s not interested in him. BoJack’s actions have a negative impact throughout the series, and his feelings for Diane are part of that.


Jimmy, Cindy and Nick in

Jimmy Neutron tells the story of the famous genius boy and his friends Carl and Shin. Also, one of the main characters is Jimmy’s main rival and classmate: Cindy.

Cindy and Jimmy begin the series as bickering enemies and rivals, with Cindy developing feelings for the stereotypical “cool pop kid” Nick. As the show goes on, Cindy’s feelings for Nick fade as it becomes quite apparent that she and Jimmy have a crush on each other. The film ends with Jimmy and Cindy holding hands.


Ulrich, Yumi and Wilhelm in The Lyoko Code

Code Lyoko There are a surprising number of couples on the show, with Jeremy and Alita being the most popular and the focal point of the whole story.

William Dunbar was one of the best cartoon villains of the 2000s, but he was also a member of the Lyoko gang and one of Yumi’s main love interests. He often clashed with Ulrich, who had a crush on Yumi since season one. Their relationship becomes more open later in the episode and Yumi takes a more platonic view of William as the episode goes on.


Korra, Mako and Asami in The Legend of Korra

It’s interesting to watch a love triangle where the main character isn’t the center of the action. Even more interesting is the whole love triangle with all the members having some sort of romantic relationship.

Cora/Mako/Asami is one of the only truly “complete” love triangles in popular fiction. Mako and Korra have a lot of “will they or not” questions early in the series, with Mako initially being the center of the triangle. In the end, each member of the trio falls into a romantic relationship at some point, with Cora and Asami becoming the final couple.

King/General/Woman of Void

Elktaurus and women in the centaur world

Centaur world is a Netflix animated series about a “half-human, half-animal” world. Centaur world There’s a lovely cast for most roles, but The Woman and the King of Nowhere doesn’t make this list.

King of Nowhere started out as a young elk who thought he would never be able to be with the woman he loved, so he split himself between humans and elk. Half marries the princess, while half elk becomes enraged and becomes the fearsome King of the Void. Unfortunately, in the end neither of them were happy.

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