Marvel Has Wasted Shanna The She-Devil – But the MCU Doesn’t Have To

Marvel Comics wasted Shanna the Demon, but hopefully the MCU doesn’t make the same mistake. Shanna’s story begins in 1972, when Marvel began to move away from the traditional superhero genre. The character Shanna, who looks a bit like the queen of the jungle, is clearly inspired by the classic Golden Age hero Sheena (even the names are too similar to be a coincidence). Miss-Demon Shanna #1 Becoming More Whole by author Carole Seuling and pencil artist George Tuska.

Reading the first comics featuring the female demon Shanna, it’s surprising that she’s more than just the queen of the jungle. She wears a loincloth, but does so because it suits her when navigating through jungle environments, and – as she sometimes points out – she finds it amusing to do so. indiana jones or Journey in the forest, she is an intelligent, enterprising environmentalist and understands the natural world. Unlike characters like Hina, her knowledge is based on intuition rather than intuition. This is the result of the study. She is an excellent veterinarian and a research ecologist for many years.

Unfortunately, Marvel Comics made a mistake with the hero. In 1983, Shanna married Khazar, Lord of the Wild Savage Khazal #29 – Almost from that moment, she lost all her courage and fell into the “Khajar’s good wife.“Continuous changes in comic art fashion aren’t helping, women are becoming more and more erotic; jungle warriors in animal skins are naturally the victims of this eroticism. Modern-day Shanna has basically lost everything that makes her unique, and has even fallen into a supernatural story, which means she’s now deeply connected to Marvel’s visceral and visceral levels. Shanna, then Marvel can still save Shanna; but sadly, that seems unlikely at the moment.

How the Marvel Cinematic Universe got the Shanna Right

Shanna’s greatest hope lies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The MCU is diversifying into other genres and werewolf night The special demo—essentially a Halloween special—confirms that this method can be profitable. werewolf night is one of Marvel’s best movies of 2022, leaving audiences yearning to be more different from the usual stereotype. It’s easy to imagine that Marvel would choose to be a Shanna The special showcase, featuring Shanna as the action heroine, goes on an adventure in the jungle.

Shanna in Marvel Comics

This will give the MCU a chance to recreate Shanna for the 21st century. This will certainly involve a change of costumes, as most modern actresses can cringe at the idea of ​​being considered an eye-catcher on skin. However, it would be a better approach as it would make the viewers value Shanna, respect her and see her as a force of nature and a mature character. Hopefully, the MCU will also set a new approach for the female demon Shanna in the Marvel comics.

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