Who is Tyler Vilus, the first jihadist French tried for crimes committed in Syria?

The jihadist was brought before a special jury court for participating in a terrorist enterprise, leading fighters and “aggravated murder.”

The jihadist was brought before a special jury court for participating in a terrorist enterprise, leading fighters and “aggravated murder.”

the shadow of November 13 will hang over his trial. French jihadist Tyler Vilus, who rose through the ranks within the Islamic State group to become an “amir”, has been in custody since Thursday before a Paris jury for crimes committed in Syria between 2013 and 2015. He has admitted to being in contact with Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected mastermind of the Bataclan and Paris terrace murders on November 13, but denied any plan of attack in Europe, and none charged in this file. .

It deals with his membership in a terrorist enterprise, for leading a group of fighters, and for “aggravated murder” as he returns to a specially composed jury court (for misdemeanor judges only). Now 30 years old, he faces life in prison.

inserted in the jihadist milieu

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On July 2, 2015, Tyler Vilus was arrested at Istanbul airport on a Swedish passport and deported to France on July 21. His arrest is a great relief for the French judicial and anti-terror services. The defendant assisted the galactic jihadist French-speaking Syria, Omar Diaby, who is a recruiter for a huge industry, especially in the beautiful region, Toulouse Rodrigue Quenum, was photographed holding his recently cut hair to his “brother” Rachid Riahi, a member of the so-called sub-sector. Cannes-Torcy, sentenced in absentia to 20 years in prison, the maximum sentence. It was created then, in June 2017.

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After his arrest, Tyler Vilus, who managed to keep his phone for several days, messages Abaaoud saying, “it’s nothing. When I spell jagis”, “I’ll contact you again when I get out if I spell” (sic). For investigators, he will have to believe Abaaoud that he wanted to commit a terrorist act, and then he just wanted to leave the Islamic State group to conquer Mauritania.

A native of Troyes in Aube, Tyler Vilus is part of the first wave of departures to the Iraq-Syria area. Converted to Islam at the age of 21 in contact with an imam, he quickly became a fan. His mother, Christine River, the so-called “Granny Jihad”, with whom he maintains an open relationship, converted to radical Islam at his touch: he will be sentenced to ten prison terms in 2017 (conviction confirmed on appeal), after three stays in Syria with his son.

Emir of the French group

In Tunisia, Tyler Vilus rubbed shoulders with Salafi radicalism for the first time: at the end of August 2011, he conquered the country where Islamist movements flourished again after the Arab Spring and, according to investigators, he participated in the September 2012 raid on the United States embassy. Disappointed by the lukewarm attitude of the Salafists in Tunisia, according to his mother, Tyler Vilus arrived in Syria: after an initial stay from October to December 2012, he moved in March 2013.

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Since the summer of 2013, he has been writing to his mother: “In addition to being a policeman, I have become the emir of a group of French people.” Installed for the first time in the Aleppo region, it will be in 2014 in Shaddadi, which was one of the strongholds of the Islamic State group near the Iraqi border.

Investigators describe multiple titles for Tyler Vilus: both “recruit,” “fighter,” and “police officer” for the Islamic State group. He evokes it, including fierce battles and “the musky scent only a fallen brother can release.”

Suspected of being a member of the torture squad.

Originally published in Hraytan, a suburb of Aleppo, the French suspect him of being members of the “Al-Muhajireen” (“immigrants”) brigade, a squad responsible for torture and summary executions, which he denies. Also part of this command is Riahi, Abaaoud and two future Bataclan suicide bombers: Samy Amimour and Ishmael Mostefai.

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In Shaddadi, where many French and Belgian fighters are based, Tyler Vilus holds a position with the Islamic police in charge of enforcing Islamic law, arrests and executions, according to witnesses.

It appears in a video released in 2015 by the office’s media group, the Islamic State: two prisoners, one from the Free Syrian Army and the other from Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, kneeling and blindfolded, are executed with a bullet to the head. With an open face, Tyler Vilus finds himself in the same line as the executioners. The trial is scheduled for July 3.

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Just before the hearing, his lawyer, Louis-Romain Riché, who is keeping his statements on the merits of the case before the court, maintained that he had in mind the “presumption of innocence” that must be applied to his client, “until the final sentence”. while he was in custody.

Update date: June 25, 2020, 16:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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