More than 8 out of 10 employees wish to continue telework, according to a study

according To one study, 84% of teleworkers would like to be able to continue to telecommute, despite the gradual lifting of the restrictions related to the Covi

according To one study, 84% of teleworkers would like to be able to continue to telecommute, despite the gradual lifting of the restrictions related to the Covid-19.

telecommuting has become for some of the French during the containment has not been that of the unhappy. Quite the contrary, working at a distance has attracted many employees, according to a study carried out by the group Malakoff Humanis. According to this survey, 84% of teleworkers “wish to ask for telework after the containment”, which is an increase of 11 points compared to the month of April.

in The month of may, 72% of employees have reported to work, and among them, 57% were working at home. Teleworkers accounted for 41% of all employees in the private sector. 73% of teleworkers say they are satisfied with the work at a distance, up 7 points compared to the month of April. Among the new teleworkers, 43% believe that the crisis has brought about a positive change in their assessment of this practice.

TO LISTEN to >> The Express audio available : the precursor of any telecommuting

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The reasons invoked to explain this satisfaction are first of all the feeling of having more flexibility and the flexibility to manage its work (80%), and greater autonomy with more accountability (44%). Telework also has benefits on the work commitment for 34% of the respondents, on the effectiveness at work (34%) and on the conciliation between professional life and personal life (42%).

aspects to be more negative on health

For all that, the employees also put forward other aspects to be more negative. According to 27% of teleworkers, the telework period of confinement had a negative impact on the physical health, and 44 percent complain of a decline in physical activity. For 45% of them, telecommuting has led to a degradation of their posture at work, 25% mention a degradation of their food practices, and 33% point to a sleep gradient.

Read our complete file

The Express audio available : the precursor of any telework “as A way of working that is very demanding” : a journey among the pioneers of the 100% telecommuting With his service Workplace, Facebook wants its share of teleworking

moreover, 40% of the teleworkers reported that a degradation of the quality of the relationship they have with their colleagues and 32% said they suffer from a lack of support. In addition, 34% of the teleworkers do regret that they did not have in their homes a room or a space specifically dedicated to their business at a distance.

Date Of Update: 25 June 2020, 08:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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