Pangrammes, lipogrammes and other oddities of the French language

Studying French can be fun : the proof with these few curiosities. let’s Start with a guessing game. Do you notice something particular in the next sentence

Studying French can be fun : the proof with these few curiosities.

let’s Start with a guessing game. Do you notice something particular in the next sentence : “Judge, flame the exquisite patchwork of Yvon” ? Not ? Then, I propose the following : “take this old whisky to the judge blond qui fume”. Still not ? Well, both have the particularity to contain the 26 letters of our alphabet (the second pushing coquetry to take the form of an alexandrian). In erudite language, they are called pangrammes (pan, “all,” and gramma, “letter”).

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I admit it : despite the years that pass and the hair that turn white, I still am a kid and I love the sights of the French language. And it falls well : it is full. Here are other examples :

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The words that can be found in three forms in the plural , such as leasing : financial leases, financial leases, or leases, but also jerusalem artichoke : jerusalem artichokes, topinambaux and topinambaulx. Personally, to me they are very sympathetic because they made me avoid committing spelling errors.

The masculine words ending in-ea (that I hate for the reason of the reverse) : atheist, the pinnacle, the maccabee, scarab, pygmy, trophy…

words which include at least 5 times the same vowel : abracadabrant for the a or heterogeneity for the e. Reverence of rigor for the i, that is found in six copies in indivisibility and inintelligibilité. On the other hand, the u-play small arms not appearing up to four times in a tumultuous, turlututu, and cuniliculture.

words which include at least 5 times the same consonant : scooter, intentionally and pfffff (yes, agreed, it is a little cheated, as say children. We see not why there would not 6 or 7). Better yet : there are 6 l in ouillouillouille ! Absolute Record, however, for s with 7 occurrences in ressassasses and assassinassions. Remains only to find the thugs, followers of the imperfect subjunctive…

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words with three vowels in succession, as approved, created, uncreated, or replacing. Respect also to the only word in the French language, consisting of three o : yaooouh.

words long that are free of certain vowels, called lipogrammes (from Greek leipein, “to remove”, and gramma, who always wants to say “letter”). in Despite their 21 letters, constitutionally and professional, do not include a. more: ‘not the least in the verbal form anticonstitutionnalisassions (28 letters) or o in anesthesiologists-réanimatrices and masseuses-physiotherapists (reason enough to be favorable to the feminisation of trade names). It should be noted that, next to consonants, the chemistry seems unbeatable with the absence of b in aminométhylpyrimidinylhydroxyéthylméthythiazolium (49 letters).

What I see, once again, that I would have been unable to follow scientific studies…


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Fañch, the first name, the breton to shake the Republic

The small-Fañch Bernard has today 3 years. His name, written according to the spelling of brittany, has become famous since the court of Quimper has refused to register the tilde of its n by invoking a “threat to the unity of the country”. A case that illustrates the difficulty of France to respect the minority cultures, that traces excellently Bernez Red in a book that just came out.

The first name, the breton to shake the Republic, by Bernez Roux. Editions of the black mountains, 128 p., 11,50 €.

The defenders of the languages of France maintain the pressure

The collective “for that living languages of France” went to the Elysée palace on 18 June to submit an appeal to the president of the Republic. Supported by numerous associations and a hundred French members of parliament and european (including François Alfonsi, Ronan Dantec, and Paul Molac), the collective calls for the revision of the reform Blanquer, which reduces the place of regional languages in the bac and reminded of the promises of campaign of Emmanuel Macron on the subject (which have not been kept). Other initiatives are planned in the coming months.

today, mother is dead

“today, maman is dead.” You think that translating into English the first sentence of The stranger by Camus is a simple mad ? Missed. A single word can change the way in which it will be judged a character by the reader.


In Canada, we speak French in Quebec

A million people speak our language in the other provinces of this great country in North America. They sometimes have difficulty in asserting their rights, as shown in this story from CBC/Radio-Canada.

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Date Of Update: 24 June 2020, 14:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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