New Alien Art Hints at the Most Unique Xenomorph/Human Hybrid Yet

Warning: Contains minor spoilers for Alien #5New official Alien artwork for an upcoming issue of the Marvel Comics series has hinted at the most unique hybrid of Xenomorph and human. The latest line of Alien comics have been an all-out war between the Xenomorphs and synthetics as the latter have attempted to get their hands on an alien egg for research. However, things have taken a serious turn for the worst as they come across a group of humans that either sabotage their efforts or cause discord within their troop about what to do with the survivors. All of this is happening while new types of Xenomorphs and Alien-like species are lurking in the shadows of the deadliest planet in the franchise, waiting to strike. Now, a new hybrid is about to enter the fray, and it’s perhaps the most unique in Alien lore yet.

A preview page at the end of Alien #5 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Julius Ohta gives fans a glimpse at an interesting new breed of Xenomorphs with the sixth issue’s cover art. It depicts a creature with a human feminine form but carries all the characteristics of a Xenomorph. It has the jet black skin melded with its H.R. Giger-created ridged design and sharp claws on each finger. What’s even cooler, though, are the horns growing from its head that give it a feeling of royalty among the iconic space monsters. In a way, it looks like a new type of Alien Queen, first introduced in James Cameron’s Aliens, that could become the next leader of the nightmarish creatures.

This Mystery Xenomorph/Human Hybrid Could Be the Next Step in Evolution

Alien #6 Cover Art

What’s fascinating about the introduction of this new type of hybrid is the path the comic has taken to introduce it to the story. This new line of Alien comics has been reaching into the lore established by 2012’s Prometheus with its reintroduction of the black goo. The substance has caused chaos as it introduced the most terrifying Xenomorph/human hybrid at that point. However, it appears that this is just one stage in the overall process of humans and Xenomorphs finally becoming one. This new creature appears to be a perfect blend of the two with their features complementing each other and could well be the ultimate end goal of both species’ evolutionary chain.

What’s yet to be seen though is this creature’s intelligence and brutality compared to the Xenomorphs and altered humans. It’s been well established that humans who ingest the black goo are incredibly strong and deadly, but their intelligence takes a fall as they give in to more primal instincts. This doesn’t mean that they can’t be calculating, though. Alien #5 actually proves just how deadly they can be, showing they can still be quick and smart even after turning into Xenomorph-like creatures. If this new creature featured on the cover of Alien #6 is expected to be the next in line of Xenomorph and human evolution, it stands to reason that they could be higher on the intelligence chain while maintaining the brutality gained from the black substance.

Alien #6 is expected to hit comic store shelves February 8 and serve as an end to the 2022 Alien comic series before a new volume begins later this year. With this being the final issue of this run, the newly introduced hybrid is certainly being set up as a massive deal for the Alien universe that could ultimately change the series’ lore forever. These Alien comics have done a phenomenal job blurring the lines between Xenomorph and humanity, and with the introduction of this creature Marvel Comics has undoubtedly set up what could be the most unique and impactful hybrid yet.

Alien #5 is available now from Marvel Comics! Look for Alien #6 on February 8.

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