IMAGES. Distanciations not met, clashes in Paris… A Celebration of the music choppy

thousands of people are found everywhere in France for a music Festival marked by the coronavirus and the measures barrier, not always adhered to. Forgotten di

thousands of people are found everywhere in France for a music Festival marked by the coronavirus and the measures barrier, not always adhered to.

Forgotten distancing and gestures barrier… Of thousands of French citizens took advantage Sunday of the Feast of music to gather and dance in the streets, despite a number of events restricted, and the restrictions, a loosening deemed guilty by some.

On the quays of the canal Saint Martin in Paris, the coronavirus appears to be a distant memory : with a rain intermittent, the approaches to the canal were crowded and in the Garden Villemin close, the DJs other with the pieces of house in front of a packed crowd of dancers.

similar Scenes in the rue de Paradis, in the 10th arrondissement, where a crowd tight danced in the afternoon, or on the rue des Archives in The Marais.

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To Menilmontant (20th) in a small square known for its bars, sellers of sausages were output, and tables set under tents to protect themselves from the rain. No masks in public, only vendors were wearing.

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“I fear that it is heading toward a second wave,” “it is irresponsible”, “a Feast of music just out of a major health crisis, what a genius idea!”: on Twitter, many users slammed the gatherings. “This is not what the déconfinement said ‘progressive’ meant. I understand that the music Festival is in full discharge, but could we avoid it this year?” questioning Gilbert Deray, head physician at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital on Twitter.

tensions in the late evening in Paris

at The Invalides, in Paris, thousands of people came together for this Celebration of the music, but tensions have appeared in the end of the night between partygoers and police officers. The forces of order, which were hit by jets of projectiles, have made use of tear gas to disperse the crowd.

In total seven people have been interpelléesdans the night of Sunday to Monday, in the capital. Six people have been arrested for jets deprojectiles and a for violence committed against unepersonne custodian of public order. A police officer also étélégèrement injured in the course of the evening.

Caution to the Institute of the arab world

On the parvis of the Institut du monde arabe on the other hand, the rules established on the occasion of the outbreak of coronavirus have been met : the successive waves of 500 spectators were chained to the karaoke sitting around tables of ten, spaced of about 3 meters, facing a stage where a facilitator proposed pieces of rap and pop, an arabist.

in Front of the Institute of the arab world, for the Fête de la musique, on 21 June 2020.


“I call on all those who are preparing to move to be cautious and responsible. You can celebrate the music, keeping the distance and being careful”, warned the minister of Culture, Franck Riester, who has visited him also in the early evening in front of the IMA.

Strasbourg, concerts on the water

But it is a fact : after months of famine, a lot of young people in particular have wanted to get together and reconnect with the party. In Strasbourg, people were leaning from the afternoon on the bridges that span the river Ill or on the quays to see and listen to spend a cruise ship transformed into a stage musical. DJs and groups have succeeded each other until midnight.

bicycles-cargo music have made stops in the course of the afternoon in various districts of the city, the chic parc de l’orangerie in the popular Neuhof. The itinerant artists, in different styles, but always festive, belted as well friends first of Happy from Pharrel Williams and launched a Madison on the site of the station – a dance is the ideal time of social distancing.

Theoretically, gatherings of more than ten persons are still banned. However, with the permission of the prefect, they can be subject to derogations. And for bars, cafés and restaurants, the organisation of concerts is the responsibility of the operator.

In Nantes, a music festival one year after the death of “Steve”

this year’s edition was also marked by a birthday grim : the death a year ago of Steve Maia Caniço during a police operation was controversial at the end of an evening of electro.

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A white march, bringing together several thousands of people (2 600, according to the police, held in Nantes, part of the castle of the Dukes of Brittany to reach the place in the Loire where was drowned the announcer after 24 years after the intervention of the police to disperse the revelers. In the wake of the white march, a few tensions have taken place in the city, the forces of law and order in particular to make use of tear gas.

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The former minister of Culture Jack Lang, the creator of the music Festival, dedicated this edition of 2020 to Steve Maia Canico, whose body had been found a month after the fact.

Date Of Update: 22 June 2020, 19:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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