Coronavirus : the hypothesis of a reconfinement Guyana is on the table

The prefect of French Guiana has strengthened the curfew in the city space from Kourou, common on the coast of guyana the most affected in a number of cases of

The prefect of French Guiana has strengthened the curfew in the city space from Kourou, common on the coast of guyana the most affected in a number of cases of Covid-19 per capita.

“The hypothesis of a reconfinement” Guyana will have to be re-examined if signs of an acceleration of the epidemic of coronavirus has been confirmed, has warned the prime minister’s office on Sunday by announcing a capacity building health on this French territory’s neighbor Brazil. The executive has already announced the postponement in Guyana municipal elections scheduled for 28 June, the shift in stage 3 of the epidemic and proposed to the Parliament the extension of the state health emergency beyond the 11 July.

Sunday, the government announced new measures to deal with the “sudden acceleration in the last ten days”, in particular in the urban area of Cayenne. According to the latest figures released Sunday, the epidemic has progressed with 278 additional cases in 24 hours, to settle at 2441 positive cases at Covid-19 (of which 930 are healed), 97 patients hospitalized, and 14 in the icu for six deaths in total.

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“If the reproductive rate remains in the days to come to a high level and that the signs of an acceleration of the movement of the virus continue, the assumption of a reconfinement of Guyana will have to be re-examined,” warns the prime minister in a press release, adding that Edward Philip was asked to Annick Girardin, minister of overseas, to take place Tuesday. This Monday, 17 caregivers additional, from the reserve national health, must arrive on-site. Other health care teams, in particular the AP-HP (Paris Hospitals) “will be projected from this week”.

curfew was reinforced in Kourou

at the same time, the prefect of French Guiana, Marc Del Grande, has strengthened Sunday the curfew in the city space from Kourou, common on the coast of guyana the most affected in a number of cases of Covid-19 per capita. “The progression of the epidemic in Kourou has justified that in connection with the mayor, this municipality to be placed under curfew reinforced,” explained the prefect. At Kourou, the curfew is extended to 19h (instead of 21) to 5am on weekdays, and the weekend of Saturday, 15 h (instead of 19h) to Monday, 5 am.

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Cayenne, RĂ©mire and Matoury forming the “island of Cayenne,” are subject to this plan since Friday. Macouria -between Cayenne and Kourou – is affected by these provisions since Sunday evening. If we except the very particular case of Saint-Georges de l’oyapock, common 4220 souls on the border of Brazil still confined, which deplored 314 cases combined Saturday night (or nearly 7.5% of its population), Kourou is the city of Guyana most affected in number of cases per capita. 353 cases cumulative confirmed Saturday evening from Kourou for 25 913 inhabitants in the last census, Insee. Or 1.4% of the population. There were 69 cases the 4 June.

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Thursday, the site Guyaweb revealed that six persons from the guyanese space center had recently been tested positive, confirmed information by the Cnes. Since then, 56 more cases have been confirmed in Kourou on Friday and 13 on Saturday, according to the latest balance sheet of the authorities made public on Sunday. For the past eight days, two elderly people infected with the coronavirus died at the hospital centre of Kourou, which has no intensive care service. A woman of 81 years Saturday, June 13, and a man of 85 years on Sunday, June 21, the last death being the seventh in Guyana.

Date Of Update: 22 June 2020, 12:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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