The rapper Moha The Sharks in custody in Paris

A video of the arrest of the rapper was posted on the social networks. It shows a man on the ground and three police officers trying to handcuff. The rapper Mo

A video of the arrest of the rapper was posted on the social networks. It shows a man on the ground and three police officers trying to handcuff.

The rapper Mohamed Bellahmed, said Moha the Dogfish shark, has been placed in police custody this Friday in the Xviii arrondissement of Paris after a roadside check, for refusal to comply, violence on a public agent and rebellion.

It was during a traffic control in the Xviii arrondissement, in the north of Paris, police discovered that the person that they controlled was the subject of a warrant of arrest for refusal to obey orders, according to a police source.

In custody for refusal to comply

This person has, however, managed to escape on foot before being caught up and ‘hard-to-handcuffed”, while the friend who accompanied her and filmed the scene attempted to grab the arm of a police officer, according to the same source. Several videos of the arrest circulating on social networks show, in fact, a man on the ground and three police officers trying to handcuff while a young woman filmed the scene.

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On the video we can also see that she grabs the arm of one of the three police officers who tried to handcuff the man. A second policeman to the ground gives a kick to the young woman who deviates so that passers-by would shout “this is Moha the sharks”. This is confirmed by the man arrested, once handcuffed, shouting “this is Moha the Sharks, the team”.

The rapper paris, 25-year-old was placed in police custody for refusal to comply (subject to its research mandate), violence on the agent of the public force and the rebellion. His girlfriend was placed in custody for violence on a public agent and obstacle to the action of the police.

Date Of Update: 21 June 2020, 18:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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