2021 First Timers Guide: World of Darkness

The Dark World is the third raid in A Realm Reborn in the Pylon Alliance raid series. This is my favorite of the three, but it’s also the most deleted in Duty Finder due to its high damage, debuffs, and some instant death mechanics, even when syncing horizontally .

For new players looking to de-stress, many of the guides they read or watch will contain a lot of irrelevant information, as experienced players will safely ignore specific combat tactics or ignore specific battles. boss battle with high DPS.

My goal in writing this series of guides is to give you the most relevant information on how content is currently playing, as well as tips to help you continue to make a meaningful contribution to the success of your attacks. . For each section, some notes tell you everything you need to know about playing the encounter as your chosen character. Below, I’ll add any other notes about the battle.

Dungeon Thugs – “Keep your eyes open”

– Creates three large puddles of water that deal damage over time.


– Drag enemies to the front of the arena you enter to avoid wide AoE.

– ready to interrupt ram sound or dragon voice and chime.

– After the Garm monster dies, many enemies will appear around the arena. Take a bunch of haters and bring them to the center. Two-headed dragons have cracks, so keep them away from the group.


– Stay away from Garms to avoid freezing ram sound. The paralysis debuff comes from dragon voice Can be cleaned with Esuna.

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– interrupt ram sound And dragon voice with headbutting. If you’re melee, give priority to stun any mobs ram sound Sweep with feet.

Boss Fight – Angra Mainyu

– When looking at the boss death look Complete the cast to avoid the Doom debuff. Remove the Doom effect by running through glowing circles on the arena floor.

– When dual market When used, the red and white parts of the floor torment you with different stacking debuffs. Next time you use it, stand on a different color and get another error.

– when red or purple lanyard appears Flare level 100 or Level 150Remove the lanyard ring.

– Destroy the last Hourglass add-ons that appear at the edge of the arena. If all goes well, the addition of a second set of hourglasses can often be skipped if the boss’s health is already low (~15%).


– The main tank places the boss in the center, facing north of the boss. Remember to look away the whole time death look Because if you need to move to clear doom, you can split the party with the boss’s unsigned front AoE.

– The auxiliary tank must be ready to enter the position of the main tank when the main tank fails. Keep the boss facing north so as not to divide people.

– After the last hourglass is killed, the tank will grab the two Daewa mobs that appear.


– Main tanks take heavy damage from unmarked lane AoEs targeting them.

– Check the team list for unremoved Doom debuffs so you’re ready to evolve as soon as possible.

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– Destroy hourglasses as they appear, then destroy Daewa’s extras.

– added by Daewa disabled may be interrupted by head rubbing, and look at me Can be stun with a foot sweep to avoid the full damage of the attack.

I’ve uploaded multiple runs of the Dark World going on as people leave after a wipe or two on Angra Mainyu. This is by far the toughest boss fight you’ll encounter in Alliance Raid and it catches new players off guard, especially after the Syrcus Tower dozes off.

Dungeon Thugs – “Clear Scruff”

– Destroy portals created on both sides of the arena.


– Insert Scylla or Xande Clone as they are used ancient flares or Ancient Quaga.

– If the portal is not destroyed, mobs will appear. Pick them up and group them to deal AoE damage.


– Monitor main tank health and help destroy portals.

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– Ranged DPS can hit all three doors on one side with any level of Limit Break. The caster’s DPS can hit both doors with LB1 or all three doors with LB2.

– Scylla and Xande can be interrupted by Head Graze or Leg Sweep to stop them ancient flares or Ancient Quaga actor list.

Boss fight – first year dragon

– Purple token is a stacking mechanism, so combine with other tokens.

– The orange marker is a very large AoE, so run off the edge of the group.

– The red lanyard deals damage and stacks debuffs. Cross the leash while standing on top of another player.

– AoE Dragons when they appear.

– Ice puddles spread, so stay away from them to avoid freezing and damage.


– The main tank pulls the boss north so that the rest of the team has room to move around the arena for the mechanics.

– Tanks can stand in poisonous puddles to absorb damage to prevent mobs from spawning.


– Beware of players with the Fester debuff from Fire Tether.

– You can stand in poisonous puddles to prevent mobs from spawning. Self-healing from poison.

– If the war lasts long enough, heat wave Will apply Pyretic debug and damage the player performing the action, so heal this.

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– Quickly add Kill Prominence and Poison Slime.

– If a poisonous slime spawns but is not killed, it will silence the entire raid. Bard can use Warden’s Anthem (preemptive or passive) to disarm one of the healers so they can help restore the team.

Dungeon Mob – ‘Clear Jaws’

– Divide into federation groups A, B and C.

– Atomos will mark a player for consumption. Stay away from that player so you don’t get sucked in by the cone AoE.

– Move to center or use Arm Length/Surecast to repel from Shockwave.

– Step on glowing pads to activate other alliances’ jump pads, sending them back to their own platforms.


– Pick up spawned mobs and turn your back on the group.


– If the tank is knocked off the pedestal, the player holding the aggro can change, so watch out for the health bar.

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– Atomos will respawn multiple times, each time it takes a while to be killed. Damage done at 0.1% HP is wasted, so use your resources sparingly and make sure you spend them on effective damage.

Cerberus . – Cerberus

– Watch out for the main tank’s frontal slash and the fast cone attack behind the boss, tail blow.

– The first player marked will drop the Gastric Juice mob and the second player will drop a purple slime that the Wolfbane mob spawns from. Place them on either side behind the boss.

– Enter the boss’s stomach, first stand in the bonus area, the stomach juice will shrink. Then move to the purple slime on the floor and the boss will step forward and eat you.

– Most teams have alliance B dealing with abs, but there are often new players or those who aren’t paying attention and DPS from other alliances need to come in and help.

– After the belligerent is finished, both players need to bring the chains from the northernmost corner and attach them to each side of the boss by clicking the shiny “unchain” interaction.


– Main tanks should avoid unpredictable spinning bosses due to front cone attack and rear cone attack. Move the boss away from the purple gastric juice and slime supplements to make more room for melee DPS.

– Off-tank players should pick up the wolf mobs that appear and fight the boss.

– If those two are resolved, another tank can go into the belly and control the rampage of the unknown mobs that appear there.


– Watch out for the main tank; bosses will apply a vulnerable debug and they will take more damage.

– Some attacks in this battle will deal bleed damage or reduce weakness.

– Be ready to handle the line mechanic if needed.

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Mob Wolfsbane can be stunned by paw sweeps.

– Long range players can be preset for the easiest handling of chain mechanics.

This is definitely one of the more complicated bosses for new players so give it a go especially with tanks and you should ask your team what to focus on if you’re not sure. .

Cloud of Darkness – Cloud of Darkness

– If you are marked in time pseudo-particle beamRun because AoE will chase you.

– Stay away from the middle of the arena when the boss becomes untargetable. When it reappears, it will shoot a large AoE line through the center.

– Meteor/tower marker will appear. Each requires one player to block damage throughout the raid. You have to stand in the center of the mark.

– Destroy additional clouds before they reach the boss. Standing in the middle of the cloud and the boss will slow down the movement of the cloud.

– After the cloud is added, move to one of the three cages with additional Supercharged Clouds so you can destroy them.


– Main tanks should have alternate defensive cooldowns to mitigate boss auto attacks. Avoid standing on meteor/tower markers to avoid extra damage.

– If the main tank fails, the secondary tank needs to be prepared to deal with aggro. Auto attacks kill DPS quickly.


– Beware of the main tank; Boss auto attacks deal high and steady damage.

– Added meteor tower that shields from bosses and destroys clouds.

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– Long range players should cover the meteor tower from the boss and add a kill cloud.

– Melee players should cover the meteor towers near the boss and generally ignore the cloud additions unless ranged players don’t destroy them fast enough.

Normally, you can kill the final boss before the final meteor tower assembly, but I always recommend that ranged players be prepared to deal with them.

Hope your first run goes well and if anything surprises you, you’ll be ready for the next one!

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