Cannabis : a score of elected officials of all stripes are calling for the legalization

In a column published on the site of The Obs, the signatories put forward the “economic argument” for legalization of cannabis. “After the crisis of the Cov

In a column published on the site of The Obs, the signatories put forward the “economic argument” for legalization of cannabis.

“After the crisis of the Covid-19, it is necessary to legalize cannabis, quickly !”, call for a score of elected officials of all stripes, including some members LREM, as well as doctors in an article published Thursday on the website of Obs. This text is a sequel to a proposed law filed last summer by the member of parliament François-Michel Lambert (Freedoms and territories) and supported by a few “walkers” as Caroline January, in the sides of BIA or of the socialists.

In The Obs, the signatories of the tribune, in which senator ecologist Esther Benbassa or members LREM Sonia Krimi and Joël Giraud, put forward of crisis “the economic argument”. According to their calculations, the legalization “would make a return each year in the coffers of the State between 2 and 2.8 billion euros” and create “between 30 000 and 80 000 jobs, particularly in the agricultural sector”.

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They also insist on the “argument safe” in order to “relieve the police forces” of the arrests for “simple use” of cannabis, and “the argument of health” to “control the distribution and composition” of the product.

“Normalize the debate”

François Pupponi (Freedoms, and territories) is, to him, is opposed to the legalisation of cannabis. “With the economic crisis happens, people will have even more need of money. If tomorrow they can’t illegally selling cannabis, they will sell the drug lasts”, he warned, on BFMTV. In January, a parliamentary mission has been launched in order to “normalize the debate”, which is recurrent in France, around the cannabis.

the First european consumer, France had five million smokers of this substance in 2017, of which 700 000 users daily, a number that increases regularly for years. To finish with the “decriminalization of fact”, a fixed penalty of 200 euros is experienced since Tuesday in some towns in France, before they cover gradually the whole of metropolitan France.

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at the End of October, the president of the Republic Emmanuel Macron has said repeatedly it will not be in favour of “legalisation of cannabis or non-supervised” because he has “never seen a study robust, showing that this had no effects on vigilance, in particular, more young people.” Cannabis is therapeutic to him, “has virtues in the context of treatment, in particular, to accompany the treatment of pain”, he stressed.

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The deputies have voted on this fall in support of his experimentation in many hospital centres for a period of two years with 3000 patients, to treat pain related to e.g. cancer or multiple sclerosis. Shaken up by the health crisis, this experiment has been postponed until “at the latest” by January 2021.

Date Of Update: 20 June 2020, 01:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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