Covid-19 : the modest people are more affected by the confinement that the rich

A study by Insee reveals that during the confinement, 30% of the poor have seen their financial situation deteriorate, compared to 11% of the more affluent. Th

A study by Insee reveals that during the confinement, 30% of the poor have seen their financial situation deteriorate, compared to 11% of the more affluent.

The social classes the poor are also the ones that suffered most from the containment : they have further suffered a loss of income, have less télétravaillé, and have made it more difficult to manage the follow-up of school children, reveals a study by the Insee published on Friday.

During the health crisis, 30% of people of the most modest – that is to say, being in the 20% of the population with the lowest income have seen their financial situation deteriorate, compared with only 11% of wealthier belonging to the 20% with the highest income. Similarly, 43% of workers have experienced a situation that is likely to have reduced their earnings (partial unemployment, stoppage of work due to illness or child care, or non-renewal of contract).

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But only 34% of managers and intermediate occupations have been in this case, precise Insee, on the basis of its “monthly business survey household survey”.

not surprisingly, people of modest means have also much less practiced telework managers: this situation has affected 2% of workers, 20% of employees and 58% of managers and intermediate occupations.

More distressing for women

Among people with children, 35% say they have had difficulties in following up school. With, again, a correlation is very significant with the level of life: nearly half of the poorest have experienced difficulties to manage “school at home”, but only a quarter of the more affluent.

in The end, when we ask the people to express how they have found the containment “painful” (note between 0 and 10), 27% say they have really bad experience of this period, giving a score at least equal to 7. This rate rises to 37% for the more modest, but drops to 17% for the more affluent. The women expressed a “feeling of difficulty” slightly more marked than the men.

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The perception gap between the sexes is widening when the couple has children (5.0 for women, with 4.4 for men), which is explained by the persistence of inequalities in parenting: 83% of mothers say they spent more than 4 hours per day to their children during the confinement, up from 57% of the fathers.

Among those who had a job, mothers were two times more likely than fathers to give up work to keep the children (21% vs. 12%).

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Investigation IInsee conducted by telephone from April 27 to may 16, with more than 1,600 people over the age of 15.

Date Of Update: 19 June 2020, 12:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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