Best juicer deals for December 2022

You can save money along with eating healthier with these cheap juicer deals. A surge of nutrients and vitamins flowing through your veins would surely make you feel more alive. If you’re not a fan of chewing or eating fruits, and veggies, give juicing a whirl. One drink can not only boost your immunity but also increase your metabolic rate. You’ll detoxify your body, reduce the risk of cancer, and lose the extra pounds in the process. Instead of depending on your local grocer’s stock of boxed up juices, you can extract juices from more varieties of fruits and veggies with your very own juicer. This way you’re sure that ingredients are all-natural compared to store-bought brands that infuse artificial sugars and flavors. You’ll even save a ton of money and reduce food waste! You can reuse the pulp, for instance, incorporating more fiber in soup, muffins, or jam. To save you time we put together this resource of the best juicer deals. We looked at all major retailers to find the best of the best. We’ve also rounded up all the best blender deals.

Today’s best juicer deals

The type of juicer for your needs

There are many types of juicers and price is not the only determinant of how good one is. Its about getting the juicer that would keep up with your juicing needs. For instance, those who would rather drink their fruits and vegetables than sit down and actually eat them, a juicer that is capable of extracting the most nutrients is the one to get.

Centrifugal juicers are the fastest, most conventional, and often the least expensive option you’ll find, wherein fruits and veggies are broken down with rapid-spinning metal blades. Centrifugal force is then applied to extract its juice into a container while the grated bottom keeps its pulp separate. This kind of juicer is recommended for solid ingredients like apples and carrots as it may falter with herbs or leafy greens. Since its blades generate heat in the process, it is best to consume juice right away before oxidation occurs.

Unlike centrifugal juicers, slow-masticating cold press juicers are obviously not known for its speed but it does step up with a higher yield for the same amount of produce. It mimics the process of chewing food which makes it more capable of juicing fibrous greens. A mesh screen likewise prevents its skin from getting mixed in and since it runs slower, less oxidation takes place. The juice is more likely to remain fresh with all the vital enzymes intact for as long as 48 hours.

Nutrient-rich juices are well on the way with triturating juicers. Two interlocking roller gears crush and grind all sorts of food into tiny particles which are then pressed against a mesh sieve. Not only do you get more juice, but it also releases even more enzymes, vitamins, and soluble fibers — that is if you’re willing to stretch your patience as much as your budget. You’ll have more than enough juice for one sitting and preserving its quality up to 72 hours is possible when chilled and stored in an airtight container.

If you’re willing to spend over $1,000 for a juicer and counter space is no issue, a hydraulic press juicer is the slowest of the bunch but delivers the highest yield and quality of juice with little to no oxidation taking place. Since the upfront and running cost entails quite a heft, these are commonly used commercially or at health centers and are typically sourced from online direct sellers.

What to look for in a juicer

After considering the type of juicer and your budget, you’ll be able to evaluate your options based on the quality and quantity of juice you’d expect to have from the particular kind of fruit or vegetable you plan on juicing. Regardless of what you choose, other factors worth looking into are ease of use, cleanup, and storage, as well as speed and noise.

The point of having a juicer is to be healthier and not to add a potential stressor, so it’s important to get a model you’re comfortable with. However, those who want a multifunctional juicer that can churn out nut butters, sorbets, or baby food may deem the extra steps for setup and assembly worth it.

Mesh filters allow you to drink your juice pulp-free but you’ll undoubtedly have to deal with disposing of it as you clean your juicer. There are juicers that collect pulp in an internal basket while others eliminate it externally. Chances are you’d want the latter so you can keep juicing without having to pause and clean. You also wouldn’t want to miss out on a juicer that comes with cleaning brushes and dishwasher safe parts.

Juicers come in all shapes and sizes so you’ll want to keep storage and cord length in mind. Besides going for a timeless design, you’d want to make sure that you’ll have enough room to work with and a place to stow it in.

Multiple speeds will allow you to enjoy a variety of drink styles and textures. With more controls, it would be just as easy to switch from soft, hard, and leafy produce. You’ll also have more flexibility with the time it takes to juice. As for its motor, faster models tend to be noisier so if you’re thinking of juicing as a morning ritual, slow-masticating juicers are quieter than centrifugal ones. Though pricier, you’ll at least be able to get your juice on without your housemates waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

Editors’ Recommendations

Categories: GAMING

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