The cock Maurice, a symbol of rural life, is death

Become a symbol of the rural traditions in the face of urbanization, the rooster singer died of illness at the age of six years. He had been at the heart of a c

Become a symbol of the rural traditions in the face of urbanization, the rooster singer died of illness at the age of six years. He had been at the heart of a conflict judicial.

Its song had led its owner before a court. Maurice, the famous cock singer erected as a symbol of the rural traditions in the face of urbanization, died of disease, announced Thursday his owner on the island of Oléron (Charente-Maritime).

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“He died of coryza in the last month during the confinement, he was found dead at the foot of the chicken coop, we did all we could”, explained Corinne Fesseau the owner of the animal for 6 years, sick for months.

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“Maurice was an emblem”

His death dates back to the beginning of may, but the owner was “very saddened”, has preferred to wait until the end of the containment to announce it, believing then that “the Covid was more important than my cock.” “Maurice was an emblem, a symbol of rural life, a hero”, has hired Corinne Fesseau, who was buried in his garden.

last summer, his cock had been at the centre of a conflict, judicial, launched by the neighbours who complained about its crowed early in the morning. Justice eventually allowed the cock to continue to sing. The affair became a symbol of the conflict between “natives” and newcomers, so that the noises and scents country-have found themselves since the centre of various disputes, to nuisance.

The debate, relayed by the international press, had coincided with a media campaign for the defence of the noises and smells of rural areas, which has resulted, inter alia, the members to vote in January a proposal for a law introducing the concept of “heritage” sensory campaigns in the French law.

Date Of Update: 19 June 2020, 03:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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