The High authority of Health called to resume emergency vaccinations

The vaccines are not produced on the whole of the eight weeks of confinement, and therefore to catch up, relate to 123 000 people to the MMR (measles, mumps, ru

The vaccines are not produced on the whole of the eight weeks of confinement, and therefore to catch up, relate to 123 000 people to the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella).

The vaccinations need to take up urgently because they have dropped considerably with the outbreak of Covid-19, and the containment, warned this Tuesday, the High authority for Health (HAS).

This call relates to both the infants and the adults who have chronic diseases, weak points, special”, explained to AFP the infectiologist Elisabeth Bouvet, president of the technical Committee of the vaccinations of the HAS. “It is a double concern,” she says. For the children, “the catching-up process that takes place from the 11th of may [the beginning of the déconfinement progressive], is insufficient,” she says.

44 000 infants were not given vaccines

“The deficit is still important for measles, with the risk to review a resurgence of epidemics, and losing the boost of vaccination that we had, it seems, managed to get” against this contagious disease is feared-it.

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It is estimated “to 44 000 infants aged 3 to 18 months,” who have not received vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, meningitis, caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B, note the HAS. These estimates are contained in the reports published during the epidemic of Covid-19 by Epi-lighthouse, structure, bringing together the Agency of the drug (MSNA) and the health Insurance.

According to the observations of Epi-lighthouse, which has published its third report on Friday, “there has been a collapse of consumption in the initial period of containment of -35% to -71% for vaccines”. “We knew pretty quickly, with the first survey Epi-lighthouse, that there was a reduction in vaccinations”, including “vaccines, penta and hexavalent, which are facts that in a small child from 0 to 2 years,” according to the Pr Bouvet.

She mentions, as “decreases, in proportion, of less than 20% to less than 30% of doses of vaccine purchased, and this corresponds to a decrease of the immunization coverage”.

The fragile populations particularly affected

The HAS advocated, at the beginning of April, to maintain all mandatory vaccinations of infants, those recommended beyond 2 years may be deferred until the termination of the confinement. “The other problem, these are adults who have chronic diseases, frailties particular,” continues the Pr, Bouvet, about the vaccines against tetanus and pneumococcus. The deadlines are shorter for him to get vaccinated against the pneumococcal than for the tetanus, she notes, advising people at risk to update to this vaccination.

The vaccines are not produced on the whole of the 8 weeks of confinement, and therefore to catch up, 90 000 people of all ages for vaccines-human papillomavirus (HPV), 123 000 for MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), and 450 000 for tetanus vaccines for the reminders of the children (excluding infants, ed.), adolescents and adults, according to the 3rd report Epi-lighthouse.

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The HAS draws the attention on the fragile populations that are the subject of specific recommendations of the immunization schedule (people with chronic diseases, weakened immune systems, chemotherapy patients, the elderly, pregnant women…).

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In case of symptoms of Covid-19, with test virological (RT-PCR) positive, the catch-up immunization may begin as soon as the healing, after disappearance of the symptoms (at least 48 hours for the fever and a possible respiratory discomfort).

Date Of Update: 18 June 2020, 02:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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