Nude Mette-Marit in the controversial exhibition

Recommend these queer movies and series Thursday 18. June goes the doors up for a show that already before it is opened, awakened reactions in sørlandsbyen.

Recommend these queer movies and series

Thursday 18. June goes the doors up for a show that already before it is opened, awakened reactions in sørlandsbyen.

In addition, a nude Mette-Marit, we also see Karl Ove Knausgård, Janne Formoe and Rolf Løvland.

– No kongehuskritikk

Mette-Marit are included in an erotic mural, but it is of course no criticism of either her or the royal family, ” says curator and director of Kunsthallen, Cecilie Nissen, to Dagbladet.

FATHER AND DAUGHTER: Captain Sabertooth, Terje Formoe along with his daughter Janne Formoe. Photo: From the mural to the kunstnerekteparet Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas Show more

Kristiansand kunsthall presents the exhibition “the Right and wrong side”.

There is a comment on the political, cultural, and social conditions in the region. It was Fedrelandsvennen who first publicized the case.

Erotic satire

In the art project are a number of famous persons portrayed naked and in sexual poses, with bared sex and erigerte penises. The section of the exhibition is that the artists/by Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas behind.

FOUR WALLS: well-Known southerners get reviews. On sparkesykkel is Blivakker-founder Einar Øgrey Brandsdal penetrated by Gaming Innovation-the entrepreneurial and Start-owner Robin Reed. Photo: From the mural to the kunstnerekteparet Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas Show more

In Kunsthallens presentation omtalens pictures erotic satire.

LICKING the FLAG: Innvandringsmotstanderen Vidar Kleppe naked while he crawls and licks the flag. Photo: From the mural to the kunstnerekteparet Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas Show more

– Erotic caricatures are something that have long traditions, for example, back to the French revolution, ” says artist Sebastian Kjølaas to Fædrelandsvennen, that takes a number of people known to both local and national.

– Hateful and destructive

In a room of 50 square meters has kunstnerekteparet painted the four walls with naked and partially naked people. Here we see diverste well-known people from the South.

– the Background for the exhibition, it is hateful and destructive climate we’ve had in the city the last few years, ” says Cecilie Nissen.

PROVOKES: Kunstnerekteparet Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas provokes sørlendingene. Photo: Jan Khür Show more

– the Fronts have been steep regarding kommunesammenslåening and regionsreformen. Discussions around kunstsiloen and also characterized the public debate the last few years, and it is this that the exhibition highlights the different way – among other things, involved politicians and public people naked in an erotic, humorous setting, ” says Nissen.

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the Exhibition involving the artists Pia Eikaas, Ingrid Lønningdal, Thomas Bo Østergaard, Sebastian Kjølaas and Siri.

Politics and eroticism

– There is far too little political satire in the art for the time. It wants artists and Kristiansand kunsthall to do something with. After several years with much hate and ugly public statements, it is time that we can laugh at each other – and it also applies to those who are depicted without clothes, ” says Nissen.

OLJEKLIN: Nicolai Tangen in a sauce of black oil. Here, there are plenty of male and female genitalia. Photo: From the mural to the kunstnerekteparet Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas Show more

In a review of the erotic mural, ” says Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas:

Reform is important for the policies, the form is more important for erotikken. Politics is public, eroticism is private, and group sex is both. The mural has tusenårslange traditions, and political-erotic satiretegning abounded in the run-up to the French revolution.

Shocks southerners

total is closer to fifty people karikert, all linked to the South coast, both kulturkjendiser and politicians – and many of them are also rikskjendiser. We see people as Nicolai Tangen, Sven O. Høiby, Karl Ove Knausgård, Captain Sabertooth with his daughter Janne Formoe, Jan Vincents Johannessen, Rolf Løvland and Agnes theodor kittelsen.

2 x LUNDE: Håndballtvillingene Katrine and Kristine Lunde chef Trond Moi. Photo: From the mural to the kunstnerekteparet Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas Show more

HRH crown princess Mette-Marit promises on the stack while she is running towards the ass to the writer and musician Cornelius Jakhelln.

Southerners are probably more easily shocked than the rest of the country, ” says Santa claus, who hopes that the exhibition will røske a little in the sørlandske some piece of mind.

NRK-CHIEF: Former NRK boss John Bernander. Photo: From the mural to the kunstnerekteparet Siri Hjorth and Sebastian Kjølaas Show more

Dagbladet has asked the castle if it wants to comment on that Mette-Marit is a part of the erotic art exhibition.

– No, we have no comment, ” says assistant communications manager Sven Gj. Gjeruldsen to the Newspaper.

Rages against revealing painting of teenage girl

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Date Of Update: 16 June 2020, 11:17

Categories: Optical Illusion

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