Coronavirus : France accounts for less than ten deaths in 24 hours

The number of severe cases of Covid-19 requiring hospitalization continues to decrease, with 869 patients. The number of deaths linked to the outbreak of coron

The number of severe cases of Covid-19 requiring hospitalization continues to decrease, with 869 patients.

The number of deaths linked to the outbreak of coronavirus continues to decline in France : the country recorded less than 10 new deaths in 24 hours due to the Covid-19, announced Sunday the ministry of Health, a few hours after the president Emmanuel Macron welcomed to a “first victory against the virus.”

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This figure, the lowest since the beginning of the balance sheets daily mid-march, brings the total balance sheet at 29 407 dead since the beginning of the epidemic, according to the latest figures updated on the website of the ministry of Health. The number of severe cases of Covid-19 requiring hospitalization in the intensive care unit also continues to decline, with 869 patients, or two less than the previous day.

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Curve down

These data confirm the downward curve for the more severe cases since the peak reached at the beginning of April [with more than 7,000 patients while in the icu due to the coronavirus]. In total, 10 881 people are hospitalized for an infection Covid-19, is 28 people less than the previous day.

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The data for deaths in institutions, social and medico-social (10 384 to date) will be updated on Tuesday. In a speech highly anticipated Sunday evening, Emmanuel Macron has proclaimed a near return to normal levels in France after three months upset by the outbreak of coronavirus.

Date Of Update: 16 June 2020, 08:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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