Zelda Breath of the Wild: How To Build A Flying Machine

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild features a vast world with many tools to interact with it. Players are constantly seeking out new ways to use these tools to more efficiently complete the game in a speedier manner. One such tool, Magnesis, allows the player to move metal objects at will but limits the player’s other actions while doing so.

Players were quickly able to develop a method of using Magnesis to control metal objects that Link is standing on as a form of transportation. This guide will explain how to build one of these flying machines out of a couple of minecarts and how to fly it.

Getting Prepped To Fly in Zelda Breath of the Wild

The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Postpone Fighting Ganon

Before assembling the aircraft and taking flight, one should consider where they would like to fly and the weather conditions that accompany it. High altitudes are freezing cold in most areas of the map and there are other natural resistances the pilot should have to avoid a premature landing. On an average flight, it is recommended to have Cold Resistance, Flame Guard, and Lightning Proof applied through either cooked meals or equipped gear. If traveling through the desert in the day time, make sure to also have some Heat Resistance as well.

After preparing for the journey, head towards Death Mountain. This is where most minecarts are located that will make up the flying machine. Some useful fast travel points with minecarts nearby include Daqa Koh Shrine, Shora Hah Shrine, and Shae Mo’sah Shrine. Two minecarts are needed to build the flying machine, so bring the first minecart to the location of the second minecart using Magnesis.

Piloting the flying machine is a delicate process, so make sure to disable motion controls to avoid any jarring movements that may disrupt the flight. It will also be helpful to set a marker at your designated location.

Assembling The Machine in Zelda Breath of the Wild

Zelda Breath of the Wild Flying Cart Assembly

Place the first minecart upright onto a flat surface. This minecart will be referred to as the Machine Base. Place the second minecart perpendicular to the Machine Base, so that the open railed front is facing it. This minecart will be referred to as the Driver’s Seat. Now it’s time to place the Driver’s Seat onto the Machine Base. When doing this, make sure to place the Driver’s Seat on the back wall of the Machine Base minecart. If done correctly, the wheels of the Driver’s Seat should sit on the back ridge of the Base minecart.

The Machine Base should now be lifted up at an angle with the front end pointing towards the sky. This arrangement should allow for the most stable control and flight, while also giving Link plenty of room to guide the machine.

How To Fly in Zelda Breath of the Wild

Zelda Breath of the Wild Flying Minecart

It’s finally time to take flight! Position Link in the center of the Driver’s Seat and use Magnesis to grab onto the Machine Base. In order to keep the Driver’s Seat from falling off of the Machine Base and to successfully make turns without falling off of the machine, Link will need to be repositioned in a way that will counter-balance the movement of the machine. In most cases, this means nudging Link in the same direction that is trying to be achieved on the flying machine.

To move the machine up, Link will need to be moved forward. To move the machine down, Link will need to be moved back. To move the machine left, Link will need to be moved left. To move the machine right, Link will need to be moved right. When accelerating or deaccelerating, Link’s position will be shifted and must be adjusted to keep the machine centered. These are just some general guidelines, but the main goal is to keep the Driver’s Seat flat by positioning Link correctly.

If this is all done correctly, then Link should be soaring through the air on a terrifyingly unstable aircraft! Don’t expect to get this all to work perfectly on the first try. With some practice, any player should be able to find the sweet spot for placing the minecarts together and balancing Link on top of them. If Magnesis suddenly breaks and the flying machine crash lands, try to collect the minecarts to try again. Even if the minecarts land in a deep body of water, the player can use Cryonis to create pillars of ice to temporarily make a platform to reconstruct their aircraft.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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