North : a bust of general de Gaulle vandalised at Hautmont

This act of vandalism has been condemned by the president of the region Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand. Another statue of the general was vandalized last week

This act of vandalism has been condemned by the president of the region Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand. Another statue of the general was vandalized last week.

His face is covered with a yellow paint. The inscription “slave” covers, it, the statue. A bust of general de Gaulle has been vandalised at Hautmont (Nord), has revealed on his Twitter account the president of the region Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand. Two pictures illustrate the damage.

“a Few days before the commemorations of the call #June 18, at a time when we need to remember that the General #DeGaulle did live the flame of the resistance, the vandalisation of the statue to Hautmont is scandalous. This calls for strong sanctions”, said the former member of the Republicans.

A statue of general de Gaulle, to the Pavilions-Sous-Bois and the commemorative plaque of the battle of Bir-Hakeim, have been vandalized and covered in yellow paint in the night from Friday to Saturday, reports the Huffington Post.

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“The Republic does not déboulonnera no statue”

In the wake of the protests of american anti-racist, monuments and statues related to the history of French colonialism or the slave trade find themselves again at the centre of a controversy about historical memory. One of the merchant’s slaves, Edward Colston has been torn from its pedestal by the anti-racist activists in Bristol (south west England).

READ ALSO >> Colonialism, slavery : should we rip down the statues are symbols of a painful past?

But these are sometimes historical figures, consensus-based, which are covered by these actions. In London, a statue of former british Prime minister Winston Churchill has been broken down by protesters. The acts of vandalism carried out against the statues of “the man of 18 June” are in this context.

in the Face of this movement, Emmanuel Macron put on the firmness. “I tell you very clearly this evening, my dear compatriots, the Republic will not erase any trace of it or any name of its History. The Republic does not déboulonnera no statue”, he launched on Sunday during his presidential address.

Date Of Update: 15 June 2020, 22:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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