IMAGES. Arc de Triomphe, Pantheon… Some tourist sites have reopened this Monday

Several national monuments and museums have opened their doors again this Monday, in the capital as elsewhere in France. After the parks and gardens, after the

Several national monuments and museums have opened their doors again this Monday, in the capital as elsewhere in France.

After the parks and gardens, after the terraces in the capital… The déconfinement is accelerating, and this is good news for the revival of the cultural life. Since Monday, new buildings are accessible, in compliance with the sanitary rules. In the end, in all France, re-openings of sites and monuments managed by the Centre des Monuments nationaux (CMN) will take place gradually, between mid-June and mid-July. These are the ones that are already available.

Arc de Triomphe

A reopening of the highly anticipated to one of the most emblematic monuments of Paris. It is the most frequented site, with over 1.5 million visitors in 2019, according to the Centre for national monuments (CMN). New rules : mask-wearing compulsory from the age of eleven, advance reservations recommended. Access will only be possible to about a thousand visitors per day, to promote the distancing.

The Pantheon

“To great men the grateful homeland.” This high place of national memory, where at rest in its crypt, among others, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Simone Veil, reopens its doors this Monday. “I think the challenge for the first few weeks for a monument as the Pantheon, is to be sure that the health measures put in place are effective, that there are no holes in the racket in any way, so that it can be in working order for the months of July and August,” said RMC David Madec, director of the Pantheon.

Château de Vincennes

This fortress located to the east of Paris is once again accessible to visitors since Monday. Royal residence of XIIe at the XVIIIe century, it is the highest dungeon in Europe. From the beginning of the Fifteenth century, and until the Nineteenth century, this dungeon becomes a prison, where were confined the Marquis de Sade, and Mirabeau. The Sainte-Chapelle is, however, exceptionally closed to the public from 15 June to 15 September 2020, as stated in the official website.

This fortress located to the east of Paris is once again open to visitors since Monday. Baptist

The abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel

The famous abbey re-opens finally its doors. “The Mount, and his monument, are now fully accessible to the public”, welcomed on Monday the Etablissement public national du Mont-Saint-Michel.

“A gauge of visitors reduced has been put in place, limited to a little less than 1 500 visitors per day,” said the Centre des monuments nationaux (CMN), in charge of the building,” reports The Cross. The route will also be in a single direction to avoid contact, and the purchase of tickets must now be done online ( or from the offices of the Tourist Office of Mont-Saint-Michel Normandy and reseller partners. The guided tours are also cancelled.

Seven museums of the City of Paris, as early as Tuesday

in Addition to the national monuments, several museums of the City of Paris must reopen as early as Tuesday. A recovery of the cultural life, welcomed by the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, who sees it as “very good news”.

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This is the case of the musée de la Vie romantique, the museum of the Liberation of Paris, the Petit Palais, the Catacombs, the Bourdelle museum, the musée Cernushi, or the Maison de Balzac. The sanitary rules must of course be respected.

Date Of Update: 15 June 2020, 12:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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