Covid-19 : 3 questions about the alarming rise of contamination in Meurthe-et-Moselle

The incidence rate of the virus is increased from 7 to 21 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in eight days, according to the regional Agency of health of the greates

The incidence rate of the virus is increased from 7 to 21 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in eight days, according to the regional Agency of health of the greatest.

The epidemic leaves it in Meurthe-et-Moselle ? The prefect of the department Eric Freysselinard called Wednesday night to the prudence and the respect of measures barriers in the face of a “bond” of contamination. The Express train made the point on the situation.

What is the evolution of the contamination ?

The local media reports that the incidence rate of the virus in the department is placed above the threshold of vigilance, with 21 cases per 100 000 inhabitants, whereas the national average is of 4, the threshold for the cdd 10 and the warning threshold to 50. This incidence rate was 7 cases per 100 000 people, 2 June, according to Public Health France. With these poor results, the Meurthe-et-Moselle could return to orange.

According to the latest figures provided by the agency, 352 people died of the Covid-19 in the health facilities in Meurthe-et-Moselle since the beginning of march and 123 people were still hospitalized Monday, including nine in resuscitation or intensive care. In all the Great eastern, one of the French regions most affected by the epidemic, 1698 sick of the Covid-19 remain hospitalized.

An increase in testing as the sole explanation ?

“We have made 18 210 tests since may 11, in the department and 341 are positive income […] We do more testing than elsewhere, and we have put in place a bus screening in the Grand Nancy, which is well received. There were 1046 people tested of which 13 are positive since Friday,” said Eric Freysselinard.

“The virus continues to circulate,” confirmed this Thursday on LCI Jérôme Marty, president of the French Union for a medicine free, about the Meurthe-et-Moselle. Between late may and early June June, the number of positive tests in the department is increased from 3 to 41 in less than ten days, he added, explaining that “these are numbers that are very low. It is quite possible that, when we test more, we find more patients. They are not hospitalized”. This increase of the test campaign thus explains the increase of cases of contamination, but not only.

A loosening of the citizens ?

The prefect laments include a caution, “variable geometry”. “People respect the measures going to do their shopping and to go to the office but there is a looseness in the feasts of neighbors or family. I read on the social networks that the epidemic is over. I don’t know in what world these people live…”, he blew during his press conference on Wednesday.

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The latter asked the police to monitor the implementation of measures barriers in the cafes and restaurants and to the patrons of supermarkets and large surfaces require the use of mask in their facilities, adds “I can ban some things that are usually possible”, also launched Eric Freysselinard

Date Of Update: 11 June 2020, 19:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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