There are more than 5 million of the rich in France, according to the Observatory of inequalities

The Observatory of inequality-place its “threshold of wealth” to two times the median income, is 3470 euros per month, after tax, for a single person. France

The Observatory of inequality-place its “threshold of wealth” to two times the median income, is 3470 euros per month, after tax, for a single person.

France is home to 5.1 million richer, according to a report by the Observatory of inequalities published on Tuesday that attempts to sketch a portrait of the upper classes, and proposes to define a “threshold of wealth”, equivalent to the double of the median income. “The France of the privileged is alive and well”, say the authors of this report, that they wanted for the first time make wealth an object of study statistics – the poverty is most commonly studied and measured.

By placing the “threshold of wealth” to two times the median income – is 3470 euros per month, after tax, for a single person, and 7287 euros per month for a couple with two children, the observatory is estimated at 8.2%, the share of the rich in France.

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This income to 3470 euros is “only a threshold of entry into the club of the privileged : above and beyond, the figures soar”, underline the authors. “Yes, the rich are very rich in France, even after having paid their taxes. They are even more than elsewhere in Europe, apart from Switzerland, the France is the country where the 1% the more easy the standard of living the highest”, insists the observatory.

4.6 million rich, with a heritage more crude than 490 000 €

wealth can also be seen through the prism of cultural heritage. The report’s authors, Anne Brunner and Louis Maurin, offer for this a threshold equal to three times the heritage median gross (debts not deducted) : in this perspective, France has 4.6 million rich, with a heritage more crude than 490 000 euros. “Within the club of the rich, the inequalities are enormous,” concede the authors, who expect to see challenge the threshold that they propose, because “in France, the rich, it is always the other”.

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They plead, however, for a vision of wealth which is not confined to very large fortunes. This would, according to them, “become invisible for a category of the population is a little less easy”, which prefers to consider that it is part of the “upper middle class” for better “to insulate themselves from solidarity” with the middle and lower classes.

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through this study, it is not a matter of “hate the rich”, but found “a wealth distribution often too uneven to be fair,” insist the authors.

Date Of Update: 11 June 2020, 07:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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