Constable black insulted in such an event : the justice seizure

In a video shot during a rally on the Champ de Mars in Paris, a protester called out to a policeman in black, shouting : “Sold dirty sold”. The director gene

In a video shot during a rally on the Champ de Mars in Paris, a protester called out to a policeman in black, shouting : “Sold dirty sold”.

The director general of the national gendarmerie (DGGN), Christian Rodriguez, decided to bring the case to court after a constable black has been treated “dirty” sold out ” during a protest against police violence.

In a video posted in the Daily broadcasting of the TMC, tour last weekend at the rally organized on the Champ de Mars in Paris, a protester called out to a constable black: “Sold dirty sold”, she shouts.

The military, which carries a shield, remains impassive. The DGGN has decided to bring the case to court, via article 40 of the code of criminal procedure, order that an investigation be initiated, said the police.

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Already a complaint of police

“as unacceptable racial slurs pronounced against a policeman, denying that we can suggest the idea that a person of color can not embrace the vocation of service and protection of the population, the DGGN seizes justice in an article 40”, wrote in a tweet the spokesman of the national police, Maddy Scheurer.

article 40 requires that “any constituted authority, any public officer or civil servant who, in the exercise of his functions, acquires knowledge of a crime or an offence”, “to give notice without delay to the prosecutor of the Republic”. Last week, the prefect of police of Paris Didier Lallement had done the same, and after that a black policeman had been insulted in the same way at the event of the committee TraorĂ© in front of the palace of justice of Paris. The police had decided to file a complaint.

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death in the United States of George Floyd during an arrest has been revived in France the controversy over the death in 2016 Adama Traore after an arrest by constables, and that the accusations of violence and racism against the forces of the order.

Date Of Update: 10 June 2020, 21:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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