Bondy : the Defender of rights opened an inquiry on the arrest of the young Gabriel

on Monday, the Interior minister Christophe Castaner said he is “troubled” by the case, on which the public prosecutor of Bobigny opened up an investigation.

on Monday, the Interior minister Christophe Castaner said he is “troubled” by the case, on which the public prosecutor of Bobigny opened up an investigation.

The Defender of rights has announced an investigation into the arrest of the young Gabriel, 14 years old, who accuses the police of having struck and severely injured in the eye during his arrest at Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis).

The teenager had been arrested on the night of 25 to 26 may, while he was attempting to steal a scooter, and, according to a police source, “a fall” before they “rebel”.

READ ALSO >> Bondy : what we know about the arrest that has injured the eye of Gabriel, 14 years old

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on Monday, the Interior minister Christophe Castaner said he is “troubled” by the case, on which the public prosecutor of Bobigny opened up an investigation. The case of Gabriel “has marked many of the French, he added. The light will be made and the statements of the police officers in this time face to medical expertise”.

Two complaints filed

Gabriel claims to have received three or four kicks to the face by a police officer while he was on the ground, subdued and handcuffed. It is also said to have received a blow to the back of the skull without being able to specifically identify the author. With such a fractured upper jaw and extended to the bones of the left eye, the teen was prescribed 30 days of total interruption of work.

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what is the gun electric impulse, which should replace the jack by the neck? Shaken up by Castaner, the patron saint of the IGPN advocates the independence of his team’s Penalties, the offence of facies, events… Christophe Castaner precise about

Two complaints against the police were filed, on may 27, with the general Inspectorate of the national police and the June 2, with the parquet de Bobigny.

Date Of Update: 10 June 2020, 18:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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