Bloodthirsty orcas brutally attack a whale shark. Watch rare video

In a video that is going viral on social media, an orca can be seen launching a brutal attack on a whale shark.

Orcas attacked a whale shark.(Unsplash) Orcas attacked a whale shark.(Unsplash)

Also Read: 10-foot great white shark jumps out of water to catch fish in man’s hand

The video was shared on YouTube by the channel Ocean Safaris. This channel often shares videos related to aquatic life. In the caption of the video, the channel wrote, “While swimming with Killer Whales we witnessed a very rare and first time ever video recorded a killer whales attacking a whale shark.”

Watch the video of the orcas attacking the whale shark here:

This video was shared on YouTube on June 30. Since being posted, it has been viewed more than six lakh times. The share has also garnered more than 200 likes. Many even took to the comments section of the post to share their views on it.

Here’s what people had to say about this video:

An individual wrote, “Wow! An amazing capture! I was however terrified for you in the water while they were feeding! Really appreciate finally seeing how the orcas did it, I’ve always wondered.” A second commented, “The orca looked big compared to the whale shark. Was the whale shark juvenile or not fully grown?” A third shared, “I would be freaking out, but kudos for getting this on video.” A fourth added, “Welp. Just another reason not to go into the ocean. Thanks.”

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