Lord Of The Rings: 10 Aragorn Cosplays That Look Just Like The Movie

Aragorn is one of the most popular characters from The Lord of the Rings because, while he might not be the main protagonist, he is a secondary protagonist who fits the hero archetype perfectly. He’s brave, courageous, and strong, and while he might look a lot like a stereotypical fantasy hero, he’s also known for his compassion and gentle nature.

It’s no wonder that so many fans over the years have gravitated towards his character, and while fandom celebrates their love in many ways, many creative fans have turned to cosplaying as Aragorn. Some of these cosplays take more creative license, while others stick rather closely to the movie version of the character. Here are some of the most accurate and gorgeous Aragorn cosplays around.

A Ranger On The Trail

Marco Soprana is an Italian cosplayer who has a wide range of characters he’s embodied, but this Aragorn costume might be one of his best. While it might not be quite as movie accurate as a few of the other options on this list, part of being a great cosplayer is acting out the character and bringing their personality to life, which is definitely happening in this picture.

Here, he is acting out Aragorn doing one of the things he does best: tracking.

“If by my life or death…”

One of the best things about cosplay is that it allows characters of all different genders, backgrounds, and from all different countries worldwide to become their favorite character.

Cosplay is at its best when it’s inclusive and open, and this genderbent cosplay done by Jessica is a great example. The use of the sword Anduril is especially great in this beautiful image with a stunning river background that calls to mind the landscapes of Middle-Earth.

One Of The Best Trios Ever

Valeria is a French cosplayer who shows just how fun it can be when cosplayers get together to act out scenes together. In this fun image, Valerza sits next to cosplayers who are wearing Gimli and Legolas costumes.

The trio looks to be having a great old time sitting on a pile of rubble in a background that looks quite similar to some of the scenes after the Battle of Helm’s Deep. And, who doesn’t love it when cosplayers bring iconic Fellowship grouping together?

Genderbent Aragorn For The Win

Aragorn Cosplayer Rosa

Here we have another absolutely gorgeous gender-bent Aragorn cosplay by a creator named Rosa. The costuming here is very detailed and looks quite similar to the movies, down to details like the Evenstar necklace and the bracers.

It’s a well-created cosplay finished off by some well-done photography, and it doesn’t hurt that Rosa looks like she could be the child of Aragorn and Arwen.

A Pensive Look

Matt is another accomplished cosplayer who commonly does costumes for Aragorn as well as other popular characters such as Ezio from Assassin’s Creed and Daredevil.

One of the best things about this shot is that he is really channeling the personality and energy of Aragorn here while smoking from a replica of the pipe Aragorn has in the movies. The details on the costume are also great, and it helps that he looks rather like Aragorn here.

Shippers Rejoice

Another exciting thing about cosplaying is that it allows fans to act out different ships and relationships that aren’t seen in the movies.

Many fans love the idea of Aragorn and Legolas together and like to think about possible LGBTQ+ relationships from the story, so this lovely shot of an Aragorn and Legolas cosplaying couple is perfect. The costumes are exquisite as well.

A Perfect Strider

This is another cosplayer who has done some rather detailed looks for Aragorn, although he is also known for many different Star Wars cosplays. This particular costume matches well with the Strider look in the movies and even includes weathering elements to make the outfit movie accurate.

This cosplayer really captured the fact that Aragorn spends most of his scenes in the movies being on the go and always ready for an adventure.

A Classic Aragorn Cosplay

This is another example of a cosplayer who is able to embody the character well, even if the outfit might not be as specifically tailored as some of the other options on this list.

However, the fan here has many of the movie elements still that pull the outfit together, including a bow and arrow and Anduril. It’s also a great example of the fact that cosplaying also involves creative photography and a great deal of acting skill.

Two Perfect Cosplays For The Price Of One

This stunning cosplay is perfect because it’s a two-for-one deal. The talented fans clearly put a lot of work into both their outfits and into finding a great photograph, and the result is beautiful to look at.

It’s also exciting to see an Aragorn costume from Return of the King instead of the more common ranger looks. Both Arwen and Aragorn here look like they walked straight out of the films.

On The Hunt

This picture really captures the energy and emotion of Aragorn, and it’s a great reminder that a great cosplay photo is often the result of a team-up between a cosplayer and a photographer.

The costume is detailed, and the fan looks so much like Aragorn that it’s easy to do a double-take. Aragorn here really does look like he is on the hunt for some Uruk-hai.

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