Domestic violence : Nicole Belloubet wants to develop protection orders

The keeper of the Seals announced that it wanted to launch a “national steering committee” to develop this device. It is a device almost impossible to implem

The keeper of the Seals announced that it wanted to launch a “national steering committee” to develop this device.

It is a device almost impossible to implement, according to lawyers. Nicole Belloubet announced this Sunday, want to create a “national steering committee” to develop orders of protection for women victims of domestic violence.

The keeper of the Seals said in the Sunday Newspaper that she wanted to launch this committee on Tuesday – the day of the examination to the Senate a bill LREM aimed at protecting the victims of domestic violence. The aim is to raise awareness of these ordinances, that prohibit an abusive spouse to enter into a relationship with a woman victim or her relatives.

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According to the minister of Justice, 4000 prescriptions were requested in 2019 “is more than 20% compared to 2018”. “The rate of acceptance by the judges has increased to 65%, which brings us closer to Spain, where this rate is 70%”, welcomed the minister, linking this evolution to the “round table against domestic violence” of the fall.

A new time limit of 24 hours

She however said wanted to “go further” with this “multi-disciplinary committee” which “has the mission to promote the development of the protection order”. This initiative comes at a time when many lawyers and feminist activists have moved this week to the consequences of a recent decree, which is intended to facilitate the issuance of orders of protection, but which according to them will have the opposite effect.

The decree of may 27, just specify the terms of application of a law adopted at the end of December, in the wake of the “Grenelle”, and which requires the judges to family affairs for a period of six days to decide on the application for a protection order. In practice, this delay is rarely respected, but no legal provision in the sanctions the non-compliance, has explained to Me Fatiha Belkacem, a lawyer specialized in these matters.

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The problem is that the decree of may 27, introduces a new time limit, 24 hours this time : from the time the judge sets a hearing date to consider the application for a protection order, the woman has 24 hours to notify his / her violent spouse by a bailiff and return this act of service with the court. If this deadline is not respected the application will automatically become null and void, without any discretion on the part of the judge. “This lapse, which would fall like a bombshell, will exhibit even more victims to their executioners”, denounced Me Belkacem.

Decline of the rights of victims

The new deadline results in a “back-amazing of the rights of victims”, and just “bring to naught all the advances of high struggle by the defenders of women victims of violence, have felt for their part, lawyers Jean-Michel Garry and Dawn Boyar, in an article published on the specialized site “Dalloz Actualité”.

In these conditions, “obtain an order of protection becomes almost… impossible”, was also alarmed by the feminist activist Caroline De Haas.

In the interview with the JDD, Nicole Belloubet has also stated that “over 1000 women” received a “phone is in serious danger” against the “300 in February 2019”.

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About the bracelet, strut tower, intended to keep away the spouses and ex-spouses, violent and generalized by the law of 28 December, the minister argued that, in spite of the confinement, its deployment should start as foreseen as of next September” before being “wide-spread on the whole territory”.

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Toulouse : a man killed by the police, intervened for domestic violence domestic Violence : the call number 3919 will be standing by the end of the year” in the Face of violence against women, intolerance monte”

Each year, some 210 000 women are victims of physical or sexual violence from their spouse. The AFP identified 27 femicides suspected since the beginning of the year. In 2019, according to a count by the AFP, at least 126 women were killed by their partners or ex, or one woman every three days on average.

Date Of Update: 07 June 2020, 21:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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