Aladdin: 5 Reasons Abu Is A Better Sidekick (& 5 Why Its Rajah)

The Disney film called Aladdin introduced viewers to two new sidekicks known as Rajah and Abu. Rajah is the tiger who is always by Jasmine’s side, while Abu is the mischievous monkey that hangs around with Aladdin. Fans are often taken with these two characters, but there are many arguments as to why one is a better sidekick than the other.

This list seeks to uncover the various attributes of these two sidekicks that make them so great in the eyes of their fans. It will be up to the viewers to decide for themselves who is the best based on the facts provided.

Abu: He Keeps Aladdin Alive

Abu entranced by a gem in 'Aladdin'

Abu is known for his kleptomaniac nature, as seen in both the animated and live-action films, but it is this side of him that helps keep Aladdin alive.

Aladdin steals in order to eat, and Abu contributes to this, even if he often takes more than they need. This is one skill that Rajah doesn’t have as Abu’s small and stealthy nature allows him to be an expert in this field.

Rajah: Serves As Jasmine’s Personal Bodyguard

Rajah facing off with the guards in 'Aladdin'

Rajah’s main role is to serve as Jasmine’s personal bodyguard as no one would dare mess with a tiger. This is something Abu could never do as his size would prevent his presence from being as fierce as Rajah’s.

He is ready to defend her at any given moment, even when it came to standing up to Jafar and his sorcery.

Abu: He Can Be Generous

Abu with a piece of bread in 'Aladdin'

This little monkey is quite greedy and selfish when it comes to the things he steals, but he can be generous as well.

It was seen in the film when he gave the perfect gift of food to some hungry children, even if Aladdin did have to push him to do so. It did show he has a soft heart and has the ability to help those in need around him, unlike Rajah whose primary focus is on Jasmine.

Rajah: Understands Jasmine’s Feelings

Rajah comforts Jasmine in 'Aladdin'

The main reason why Rajah and Jasmine make such a good pair is that he understands her feelings. If she is feeling sad he comforts her, but if she dislikes someone he can sense it as well and instantly follows suit.

They are similar as they can both be docile and fierce depending on the situation, which is what makes it so easy for Rajah to understand what is going through her mind. Rajah is more focused on Jasmine’s happiness and well-being, while Abu is often seen looking after his own desires.

Abu: He Will Do Anything For Aladdin

Abu as an elephant in 'Aladdin'

Rajah might be ready to give his life for Jasmine, but it would be hard to believe he would agree to be turned into an elephant like Abu.

He might not have been completely on board with the idea, although he put Aladdin’s desires above his own. He went above and beyond in this instance in a way that many fans believe make him the best sidekick in the film.

Rajah: He Is Always Loyal

A tiger might not seem like the most loyal beast, but Rajah sticks by Jasmine’s side through thick and thin. His main focus is on her health and well-being as he keeps anyone from coming too close, which is more prominently seen in the live-action film.

His loyalty is what makes him so desirable as a sidekick because it means that he always has her back no matter the circumstances, unlike Abu whose motives can be questionable at times.

Abu: He Puts Aside His Feelings For Aladdin’s Happiness

Jasmine, Abu, and Aladdin from the live-action 'Aladdin' film

It was already mentioned how Abu can be quite selfish when it comes to his own feelings and possessions. However, this rule doesn’t always apply when it comes to Aladdin’s happiness in terms of his wish to pursue Princess Jasmine.

He is quite a jealous creature, but over time he allowed his feelings to fade into the background so Aladdin could obtain the happily ever after he desired. This positive stems from his own negative personality trait and it shows his ability to change his ways in order to be the best monkey at Aladdin’s side.

Rajah: He Can Be Gentle Like A Pet Cat

Jasmine and Rajah from Aladdin

Rajah is a fierce tiger, but he can also be as gentle as a pet cat when he wants to be. It adds a new dimension to his personality and makes him more than a bodyguard for the princess.

This gentleness allows him to also act as her friend, companion, and confidante as when they are alone he becomes a different kind of cat than the one her enemies are used to seeing.

Abu: He Helps Free Him When He’s In A Bind

Aladdin and Abu in the dungeon with an old man

Aladdin found himself locked in the dungeon in the animated film and luckily Abu had the knowledge to break him out of his cell. It came with a stern lecture, but it shows how Abu was willing to risk his own freedom in order to help out a friend.

It once again shows his ability to put aside his selfish nature in order to potentially sacrifice his own life or freedom to help out a friend in need.

Rajah: It Takes Time To Earn His Trust

Rajah growls at Prince Ali as he figures out his intentions

Abu is ready to help anyone who provides him with the right form of payment, but Rajah takes his time before trusting someone.

He watches their actions and uncovers their true nature before letting down his guard, especially when it comes to the princess. This tiger uses his intelligence to weed out the bad people that Jasmine comes across, like the evil Jafar, as he seeks to keep her both happy and safe as long as he is by her side.

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