Study in the Lancet on chloroquine : scientists require access to data

scientists call for further clinical trials for more information on the treatment of hydroxychloroquine to treat patients with Covid-19. scientists from severa

scientists call for further clinical trials for more information on the treatment of hydroxychloroquine to treat patients with Covid-19.

scientists from several countries require to learn more on the data used by the vast study published in the Lancet, according to which the hydroxychloroquine does not appear to be beneficial to the sick of the Covid and could even be detrimental.

Published on 22 may, it is based on data from some 96 000 patients hospitalized between December and April in 671 hospitals, and compares the state of those who had received the treatment with those who had not received it. The WHO has suspended clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in stride.

many questions

But where does this mountain of data? That is what wonder of very many scientists, who would like to have access to all the raw data on which the authors worked.

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Is it that they “can give the names of the hospitals in which they say that they have contributed to the data, so that they can be independently verified?”, for example, asked Wednesday on Twitter Todd Lee, an expert in infectious diseases at the canadian University of McGill. On a blog from the american University of Columbia devoted to the statistical modelling, the statistician Andrew Gelman points of methodological limitations and indicates having “sent an email to ask for the data”, without success.

questions relayed also in France -in addition to Didier Raoult – a lot of doctors and researchers, as the cardiologist Florian Zores, who pointed out on Twitter the “lack” of certain data. Researchers in australia also question, especially as there are differences between the official data in the country, and those of the study, according to The Guardian this Thursday.

Call for continued testing

the data for the study emanate from Surgisphere, which presents itself as a society of analysis of health data, based in the United States, and whose patron is one of the authors of the publication, Sapan Desai, doctor. In a press release, Surgisphere has defended the integrity of its data and stated that they come from hospitals that collaborate with it.

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But “our agreements for use of the data does not allow us to make it public,” added the company, indicating they had already made it clear that the study had “limitations”. According to the Guardian, Sapan Desai acknowledged that it had mistakenly classified 73 deaths “Australia” then they would have had to be counted in “Asia”.

the image of many of his colleagues, professor Gilbert Deray (Pitié-Salpêtrière), however, feels Thursday on Twitter that “it does not change anything about the absence of serious data about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in conjunction or not with azithromycin”. Like others, it calls for the continuation of”randomized clinical trials” for more information.

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Date Of Update: 28 May 2020, 18:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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