Strasbourg : a game of football inter-district meet 400 people despite the ban

Two teams of the neighborhoods in Strasbourg have clashed during a football match in a stadium in the city, contrary to the safety instructions. Despite the ba

Two teams of the neighborhoods in Strasbourg have clashed during a football match in a stadium in the city, contrary to the safety instructions.

Despite the ban on gathering of more than ten people, and in spite of the gestures barriers, a football match between two districts gathered Sunday afternoon between 300 and 400 people in a stadium in Strasbourg, reported this Monday the municipality.

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“A team of football players Neuhof has met with a team of Hautepierre on a field in another area”, explained to AFP the assistant to the sports of the city Serge Oehler, confirming information of the Dernières nouvelles d’alsace (DNA). The Neuhof and Hautepierre are two sensitive districts of Strasbourg.

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“We do not know if it is official teams or of a district,” and the matchup was announced on Friday on a social network, he added.

“The cluster that we may have”

“Someone had to have the keys” to open the stage Paco-Matéo in which are collected “between 300 and 400 people,” said Serge Oehler.

“I’m appalled by the irresponsibility of these ‘adulescents’. One has the feeling that they are at no risk, they feel strong and in full health. They do not realize the cluster, we may have” alarmed ” by the assistant to the sports, which fears a “second containment”.

A sentiment shared by professor Gilbert Deray, head of the department of nephrology at Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris : “It is frankly unreasonable. The virus is still present and this kind of meeting can be a mini bomb viral. Remain cautious and engaged”, he wrote on Twitter about this football game wild.

Change the locks of stages

Serge Oehler promises “of the very serious penalties” if “educators or licensed football” are identified on the images of the cctv cameras installed in the neighborhood.

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The football clubs have also been reminded of the order in recent days for having organized workouts and all the locks of the stages will be changed, he announced. In Strasbourg, because of the outbreak of coronavirus, the facilities of sports are closed, “the nets of the goals of football and basket pitches, sneakers have been removed,” said Serge Oehler.

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The city police intervened only to find the rally and “all the world was dispersed in the late afternoon”, according to the city. No one has been fined, according to the DNA.

Date Of Update: 26 May 2020, 13:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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