The schools that close their doors after new cases of coronavirus

Several actual or suspected cases of Covid-19 have been reported in schools since they reopened on 11 may, sometimes leading to closures of institutions. Two w

Several actual or suspected cases of Covid-19 have been reported in schools since they reopened on 11 may, sometimes leading to closures of institutions.

Two weeks after the reopening of schools, schools were forced to close again due to new cases of Covid-19. This is in particular the case of a kindergarten and a primary school in Villeneuve-d’ascq (Nord), a nursery school and a college in Toulouse, but also establishments located in the Gard and in the Charente.

Villeneuve d’ascq

Two nursery and primary schools in Villeneuve-d’ascq, in the North, have closed their doors after the detection of cases of Covid-19 among their staffs, announced the town halls concerned. “I learned that 22 may be a case of contamination by the Covid-19 an agent city who worked at the school Calmette”, said Friday the mayor of Villeneuve d’asq, Gérard Caudron, in a press release.

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This agent, responsible of the maintenance of the premises, worked from 13 to 15 may “outside the presence of students,” but “potentially with the teachers present,” and on may 18, “in the presence of students and teaching staff” as well as “on the restoration time,” says the mayor.

“Although there has been no direct contact with the children and in the respect of the principle of precaution, I decided to temporarily close the school group Calmette, as well as the Centre of hospitality and leisure attached to (…) until further notice,” he continued. The local “will be the subject of disinfection, and all of the recommendations of the health authorities will be strictly enforced,” concludes the mayor.


In Toulouse, the nursery school Ernest Renan, “welcoming from 8 to 10 children”, will also remain closed on Monday until further order after the confirmation of contamination of an agent, said Marion, Lalane-of Laubadère, deputy mayor in charge of Education. Informed Friday evening of this case of Covid-19, the town council has “considered more reasonable” this closure. The reopening will depend on the outcome of the sanitary protocols initiated.

The officer, present in the premises after school hours the week of the reopening, from 11 may, was on leave last week. Another officer, whose test result was expected, has presented “a little fever”, added the deputy. The trade unions Sud and the CGT had alerted Saturday the town hall of the case of this school, demanding its closure.

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The collège François Mitterrand de Fenouillet, in a suburb of toulouse, will also be closed “until June 2, has minimum for a single documented case of Covid within the staff,” said the mayor. In addition to “identification and tracing of case contacts”, a “thorough cleaning process and a disinfection of the premises occupied” will be carried out prior to welcome back the students, ” says the management of the institution on its website.

Charente, Gard…

A nursery school to The Crown, in the Charente, has also closed its doors temporarily after the discovery of a case of Covid-19. It is this time of a child, tested positive Wednesday, indicates South West. Identification of case contacts is in progress.

The primary school in Redessan, Gard, has also closed temporarily pending the results of the test of a teacher, suspected to be infringing the Covid-19, reports Midi Libre.

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On the other hand, the elementary school of Saint-Etienne-des-Ouillières, in the Rhone, has not been closed after the discovery of one confirmed case among staff members. Only the class concerned has been suspended on Monday, specifies The Progress. The teachers ‘ union SNUDI-FO calls for the screening of personnel and the closure of the establishment in the wait for the results. The mayor, Gilles Duthel, for its part, considers that”there is a lot of agitation around the reopening of schools. Cases of Covid-19, there are, there will be”.

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The minister of national Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, had stressed last week that 70 schools had closed again, and a week after their opening, by reason of actual or suspected cases of Covid-19 among the students or the staff.

Date Of Update: 26 May 2020, 02:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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