Common Sense, to the credit of Jane : the word to readers jurors

Twenty years after the death of Joan in 1431, of the men of the Church is plunged in the archives of the trial. A beautiful gallery of portraits in that book Mi

Twenty years after the death of Joan in 1431, of the men of the Church is plunged in the archives of the trial. A beautiful gallery of portraits in that book Michel Bernard.

You’re a history buff and you enjoy reading a good historical novel ? Then, he should not hesitate to open this novel of Michel Bernard. The author invites us to follow more men who are going to act (and even struggle) to restore a bit of honor post-mortem to Joan of Arc being set aside the conviction which has led him to the pyre. The historical context ? The end of the Hundred years war. The characters ? A notary public (ecclesiastical), academics, military officials, even the king, Charles VII. Many of the characters, but we found it and it is rather a tour de force as between the historical context, the past history with the trial of Joan of Arc and the individual destiny of these many characters, there was enough to lose the reader. So far, this is not the case, the reader will find in it. The author has made the choice of a short novel (under 200 pages) and it is enough for him. He even paid the luxury to develop stories “annexes”, such as the relationship of Charles VII and Agnes Sorel, and the portrait painted at the time by Jean Fouquet. It should also be noted that there is no dialogue in this novel.

With these many elements, it must be a building without a flaw, a pace that is polished and flawless writing not to drown the reader, and must admit that this is the case for this novel. Of course, some historical knowledge are not superfluous before you delve into this story but no need to be a historian, this novel may even give you want to know more and dig a little on this period’s rich history of France. It is, therefore, a historical novel of quality that Michel Bernard we book. I think, however, that it takes an appetite for historical novels in order to fully appreciate this novel, a reader who does not adhere to this type of novel will probably be a little difficult to get to the end. A very interesting read, therefore, a beautiful writing, but a book addressing the same to a readership quite specific, even if it may lead readers less knowledgeable in this genre to take a closer look at the story with some effort (effort that this book deserves). Aurélien Rizzon

For lovers of history, this book will allow them to review twenty years of the history of France. At the end of the Hundred years war, it is the revision of the trial in the heresy of Joan of Arc that will play out between the intrigues of the court and alliances episcopal. In 1431, the maid was burned alive in Rouen after a trial instigated by the English, and led to support. Years after, its advocates will have to convince the king of France to obtain from the church the annulment of the conviction. The proceedings of the famous trial that have been kept by a clerk norman priest, will allow to rehabilitate Jeanne all by letting us share his last hours marked by his innocence and his courage.

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One of the following to the review proceedings the investigation of Domrémy à Orléans, with his relatives, the king’s coronation at Reims prior to the capture and sale of the maid to the English. The last epic battles and warlike strategies against the English, the projects of crusade punctuate also this novel scholar. We also find out the king of France, Charles VII, in his last campaigns of reconquest of the territory in Normandy, and his great love for the beautiful Agnes Sorel well-researched, this book makes us rediscover the story of Joan of Arc, perfectly restored in its historical context. in Regine Tournier

in 1449, the troops of the King of France, retook Rouen from the English and Charles VII, the victorious, put an end to the Hundred years war. This is the time to remember the young warrior, burned alive at the stake, for having believed and defended his country. Twenty years later, it is time to rehabilitate this legend and give him the glory that it deserves. Her name was Jeanne and common Sense traces the revision of his trial. In the background, it is above all the intimate portrait of two courageous women that have made History : Joan of Arc and Agnes Sorel. In a world of men, their voices were raised to recall their destiny. Nothing is left to chance : every detail plant decor historical rigor in which the emotions of the characters that have made the History of the humanize and make them close to us. It is quite a tour de force of making us sympathize with his decisions several centuries old. Despite a writing rhetoric which offers the accuracy, if you are not particularly fond of the Fifteenth century, you will have to hang on so you don’t drown in the multitude of dates and of proper names – essential, however, that abound in the novel. Caitline Grammont

A little air in the Name of the rose

the main theme of The book is the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, burned at Rouen in 1431 following a trial to the charge led by the bishop Cauchon, the orders of the English. Michel Bernard tells the story of a handful of clerics obstinate, in pursuit of justice, following the reading of the minutes kept religiously by Guillaume Sleeve an old archivist, registrar at trial. Quest for the truth laborious, as some members of the clergy, high-ranking twenty-five years later, officials at the time of the execution of the Maid, struggle to recognize their bad judgment of the past. The conviction of the Pucit undermined the legitimacy of Charles VII since the “little king of Bourges”, “the dolphin without a crown”, seemed to have forgotten the one who had led to the coronation at Reims, but “the honor of this young girl was also his own”. After the English ejected from his kingdom, he finally decided to seek review of the trial. This fresco of history and politics, told with skill and erudition by Michel Bernard, hints the Name of the rose by Umberto Eco. At the same time to the facts, add color reproductions of four works of the talented painter Jean Fouquet and the description of the art with which the painter succeeded in reproducing the features of Charles VII and of his deceased mistress Agnès Sorel. A reproach, however, the lack of a flow chart to find among all these men of the Church. Frances The Goaëc

in November 1449, eighteen years after the condemnation of Joan of Arc for heresy, Charles VII hunting the English in Rouen. In a context of the most troubled, at the end of a devastating civil war, the king ordered an investigation on the trial in 1431. Guillaume Bouillé, royal advisor, sees mission to find the evidence and the witnesses of the time in order to redo the trial – conducted by the bishop Pierre Cauchon – to meet the English and achieve civil peace. It’s about getting to the Church the annulment of the award and, thus, restore his honour by the so-called Maid, which has paid with his life for his courage, his unshakable faith in God and in his sovereign. Written in a fluid style, illustrated with reproductions of paintings, common Sense (why this title ?) reproduces with magnitude a pan of French history, steeped in all the memories. Bénédicte Blunat

You want to immerse yourself in the Story ? Michel Bernard offers this historical novel that brings to life an episode of the end of the Hundred years war : he leads the narrative of the trial in the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc nearly twenty years after his conviction, and that of the liberation of the country by the armies of Charles VII. “This novel,” says the author, tells the story of how a few men upset by the discovery of the archives of the trial of Joan of Arc, after the reconquest of Rouen, would lead Charles VII and the pope to engage in, in spite of the reason of State, the procedure of rehabilitation of the suppliciée of Rouen.” Common Sense is the recounting of the moments that preceded and accompanied the revision of this trial and the rehabilitation that followed. It’s a novel fun to read, even to those who would not be a history buff. Playback is fluid, but it is necessary to review the historical context to fully appreciate the story. Joan of Arc concentrates the main themes of the work of Michel Bernard. It takes this opportunity to (re)discover his previous novel, The Good Heart, whose Good Sense is a suite. Delphine Stehlin

A novel about the honor

This is a real dive in the Fifteenth century and more precisely during the Hundred years war that offers us a Michel Bernard in his novel The Right Direction. The starting point is the condemnation for heresy of Joan of Arc in 1431. The one who accompanied king Charles VII at Reims cathedral during his coronation and sold to the English by the burgundians, was unjustly judged and executed on the site of the old market at Rouen by an ecclesiastical court headed by bishop Pierre Cauchon. Over the chapters, 2 battles are played : the Hundred years ‘ war with the victory of the French in 1453 after the conquest of all regions in the hands of the English, and the survey aimed to rehabilitate “the maid”, led by the king, convinced by a handful of men committed and determined at all costs, to do him justice. What is better in the eyes of the people that restore honor to a young warrior burned alive ?

Between maneuvers, the high clergy of Rouen and recapture of christianity by a king triumphant, the author conducted a part of the history of France. Then there is the proclamation of the judgment annulling the sentence of Joan of Arc after a retrial took place in 1456, 25 years after her execution. Common Sense is a historical novel about a fascinating subject and written by a master hand Michel Bernard, in which we discover the humanity of a king in the face of the barbarism of an era. This is a result of his book The Good Heart, about Joan, in which he describes his struggle until his death. It seems to me that it’s necessary to have read the 1st novel to be able to be fully captivated and seduced, which was not my case. Myriam Parent.

Is this a novel about the Story, or a novel about the honor ? Without doubt both at the same time. History first, with a large “H”, since the novel of Michel Bernard takes place twenty years after the death of this young peasant who had dared to defy the occupying English. We know the following : Joan of Arc was burned at the stake on 30 may 1431. Many years later, after the troops of the king of France is back in the city of Rouen, the recovery of the English, king Charles VII to accept that one is looking back in this troubled period, and in particular the archives of this trial, in which Pierre Cauchon, in the pay of the English, was the master of the trial of Joan of Arc. The Good Sense, it is the beautiful story of the moments that preceded the revision of this trial thanks to the determination of a few men enamoured of truth, in which Guillaume Sleeve, old archivist of the archbishop, who hadt recorded the minutes of the trial and drafted the minutes.

once this historical context in mind, the reader understands that the author intends to gradually take on other paths : those of loyalty, of forgiveness, of truth and honor, as many of the timeless values that have not taken a single wrinkle. Alfred de Vigny stated that “The honor, it is the poetry of duty.” It is necessary to believe that Michael Bernard meditates on this deep thought, and apply to each of its characters, this reading grid. There are those who hesitate, change their mind, following dominant opinions, and then others who remain committed to the triumph of truth against the winds and tides. And if, finally, it was the real “common sense” ? The beautiful pen of the author invites us to ask ourselves this question as historical as ethics. Philippe Boyer

By the end of the year 1449, the kingdom of France finally comes out of the terrible Hundred years ‘ war. Led by Charles VII and his captains, the royal army resumed in a few months the duchy of Normandy, to Rouen in November. In this city, and William Muff, an ecclesiastical discreet watch on the valuable archives perfectly held, the acts of the trial of Joan of Arc. Eighteen years ago, the Maid had been delivered by the Burgundians to the English, tried in a trial conducted by the bishop of Beauvais, Pierre Cauchon, condemned for heresy and burnt at Rouen. The time has past, Charles VII has patiently rebuilt his army, neutralized the powerful duke of Burgundy with the peace of Arras, and was about to give the coup de grace to the English.

this is a time for reconciliation and is not conducive to the re-opening of wounds poorly healed. Careful, the king does not wish to see a resurgence of the figure excited the young girl to whom he owed so much, but that many would like to forget. Yet, many men are going to stick with it, thanks to the record of court proceedings is meticulously maintained, to do justice to Jane. Michel Bernard book here, a chronicle history of the richly documented and pleasant to read, where one crosses of the well known figures (Joan of Arc, Charles VII or his mistress, the beautiful Anne Sorel), or less known, such as the painter Jean Fouquet. This short novel will appeal to fans of the genre, the other could stay at the edge. Michel Debroux

Charles VII ? “A little man in a great king”

We are in 1450, eighteen years after the death of Joan of Arc. Charles VII , the “little man in a great king”, still reigns over France and ended the Hundred years ‘ war, step by step, which will see the English driven out of the territory. Influenced by the catholic Church, the elites of the Kingdom, and the remorse of the University of Paris, Charles VII, undecided and timid, has been persuaded to launch the trial in the rehabilitation of the maid of Orleans. This historical novel to the fast pace carries the reader with the background of a king erased, not forgetting his love for the delightful Agnès Sorel and wanting to leave to posterity his portrait masterpiece of the painter Jean Fouquet. Bertrand Ginet

August 1449, the end of the Hundred years war is near. Charles VII, his advisers and the scottish guard, traveled to the city of Rouen, the English are on the point of being cast out. And even if the Maid seems a distant memory, the past is on the point of enter in the present, as the king of France in the streets of Rouen. The history of the suppliciée will also come out of the bag and even the day. The priest Guillaume Sleeve, one of the men at the bench clerks of the court in 1431, is convinced of it. He has not forgotten the dark period which continues to devour him with shame. The archives speak. After The Good Heart, which chronicled the story of Joan of Arc, the singular woman and the key character in the safeguarding of the kingdom of France, Michel Bernard offers us in The Right Direction, the story of the men who have worked extensively in the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc in 1456, to that Charles VII would give Jane a little of what she gave him.

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A thrilling text, that is very well documented in which, Michel Bernard this, in turn, the different characters that have marked this period. With for our pleasure, a particular focus on one of the great painters of the time, Jean Fouquet, who immortalisera through his portraits and a technical cunning, the love between Charles VII and Agnès Sorel. A text successfully, which would in my opinion deserved a touch of romance to bring him more binding and to make it even more captivating. Lilia Taktak

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Date Of Update: 26 May 2020, 01:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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