Coronavirus : a report imagines the déconfinement cultural places

The report recommends a seat on two, the removal of the bars, the systematic cleaning of closed spaces, and the provision of solutions in hydroalcoholic. How d

The report recommends a seat on two, the removal of the bars, the systematic cleaning of closed spaces, and the provision of solutions in hydroalcoholic.

How déconfiner the culture sector, to a complete stop since mid-march ? Distance between the seats, wearing a mask, removal of the refreshment stands, floor markings, and systematic cleaning of enclosed spaces : these are the measures recommended in a report handed over to the government. Consulted on Monday by the AFP, the report of some thirty pages has been directed by Pr François Bricaire, infectiologist, under the leadership of the social protection group Audiens.

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thirty actors in the cultural sector have been consulted, in institutions as varied as the Moulin rouge, the Paris Opera, unions in the private theatre or independent producers. The report table across multiple levels of containment, and recommends the continued use of gestures barriers suitable for show rooms, in distinguishing the places closed, open and the sets.

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Avoid large gatherings

For the theatres or the cinemas, the report recommends leaving one or two seats among the spectators, according to the degree of ciculation of the virus, to ventilate the room for 10 to 15 minutes after the session, or even change “regularly” to the filters for the air conditioning. In addition, “solutions, hydro-alcoholic will be available to the inputs and to avoid large gatherings, the bars should be removed, as well as the intermissions, except accommodation.

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For the places of rehearsal and shooting, it is recommended to “behind the artists with a stage adapted”. In case of impossibility, the outlet temperature and of the serological tests should be put in place, ahead of the report, which proposes also to adapt to the changing rooms and the catering.

ads of the president Wednesday

The document takes the example of the case of an opera, whose implementation is made difficult by the presence of wind instruments, capable of projecting droplets and to transmit the sars coronavirus. In addition to the frequent cleaning of instruments and a one meter distance minimum between musicians, the establishment of transparent panels is discussed.

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These measures may be selected by the president. Emmanuel Macron should just make announcements Wednesday regarding the culture, a weight representing about 2.2% of the GDP and 1.5 million jobs. A sector that is, however, seen as “the forgotten person” of the crisis related to the new coronavirus.

Date Of Update: 23 May 2020, 12:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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